Page 50 of His Dragon Princess

When he walked in, he sported a huge grin on his face. “You always know when it’s me... wow! Veronica. I... didn’t expect... I remember that dress.”

I turned to face him so I could meet his gaze in reality, and not just via our reflections in the mirror. “Mom said I could wear it.”

He swallowed hard, his throat working a moment before he said, “You look beautiful.”

“Thanks, Daddy,” I whispered, my heart almost full to bursting. Then I laughed to try and reduce the emotion. “I want to hug you, but that would wreck all the work they’ve just done on my hair and makeup.”

“Then later,” he said. “After everyone else has seen you.”

He held out his elbow and I walked toward him, grabbing hold of the strongest man I’d ever known, aside from Iain.

“You like Iain, right, Dad?”

King Damon smiled, “Oh sweetheart, the only thing that’s important is that you like him, but yes, he is a great man. I’m definitely stealing him from Stavrok’s castle and keeping him here. He’s good for our people. And I’m very happy that you and he are marrying today.”

I nodded. “Yes, he is a great man. It took me a while to realize that, but now...” I blinked back tears. I was becoming as emotional as Mom!

Iain liked to help people; Dad had told me that. And I knew it to be true. He had a huge heart. “He suits us, doesn’t he?” I said.

Dad nodded, then frowned at me. “You’re not second-guessing your choice, are you? Because if you are, we can call it off.”

I squeezed his arm, hard. “Don’t you dare!”

I couldn’t imagine living another day without Iain. Not to mention the fact that my mind kept circling back to that first vision Anthony had shown me. I could be pregnant right now. I wouldn’t know. But the thought of it filled me with joy.

Dad grinned and puffed up his chest. “That’s what I want to hear. Let’s do it, baby girl.”

The servants opened the doors for us and we walked out of my room and down toward the ball room where the wedding and reception were being held.

“Does everything look good in there?” I asked.

“Your mother has done a wonderful job.” The pride in his voice was evident now. “I think you’re going to love it.”

When we reached the entrance to the ballroom, the doors were decorated with ribbons and my favorite white lilies. “Oh wow, that does look great.”

Dad laughed. “Oh, this is only the beginning.”

He nodded at the footmen who opened the double doors. “You ready?” he asked again? “Or should we take another lap?”

I pulled his arm, forcing him forward. “I’m more than ready to be with Iain forever. Don’t make me walk down this aisle by myself, Dad.”

He laughed loudly and, together, we entered the ball room and walked down the aisle of red carpet my mother had managed to set up. There were rows of chairs full of people, and flowers everywhere. My favorite people in the whole world lined the aisles.

Ahead of me was Iain, standing in a suit, waiting near the elder who would perform the ceremony. As soon as I saw him, my heart soared and I had eyes for no one else. I began to walk a little faster. I wanted my father to hurry up now.

I needed to be with my mate.

When we finally reached the end of the carpet, Iain reached out a hand.

My dad took my hand and placed it in Iain’s. It was a symbolic gesture that, despite my modern thinking, I loved. My father’s approval of our union was important to me.

“Thank you,” Iain said, gripping my fingers. Then he pulled me forward and kissed me.

A titter of laughter went up around the room and I pushed back, but not quite out of his arms. I enjoyed having him hold me in that way.

I glared at him, but playfully. “I think that part’s at the end of the ceremony.”

He grinned, puffing out his chest. “You’ve never played by the rules, beautiful. Why start now?”