Page 45 of His Dragon Princess

I nestled into him, hoping the water around us was healing Iain’s body as it was mending the rift between us. “You yelled at me so bad, I didn’t talk to you for a year after that.”

The memory made me smile now.

He sighed though, sadly. “I know.”

I lifted my head and forced my eyes open to look at him. “I’m sorry I didn’t understand. I thought you hated me, but you were just looking out for me, weren’t you?”

He nodded, his blue eyes dark with intensity. “I was trying to.”

I smiled and ducked my head again, pressing against his chest. “I wish we’d been born at the same time, then we would have both known we were meant to be.”

His arms squeezed tightly around me. “Sleep, my beautiful princess. Because tomorrow I’m marrying you, and you won’t get much sleep after that.”

I was already drifting, sleep claiming my blissed-out body. “Tomorrow, huh?”

He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. “Sleep.”

Chapter 15.


I wasn’t kidding when I told Veronica we were getting married tomorrow. I wasn’t giving her another day to start overthinking things and decide I hated her again. I could beg her to forgive me for being mean to her when she was a teenager, for the rest of our days.

Every day of our married life I’d start the morning with, “I’m sorry I ignored you for a month when you were fifteen.”

She was right when she said that she’d already proven she wanted me. That she’d literally dragged me back from the brink of death, and reestablished me firmly in the land of the living. I didn’t know all the details though, so when we got back to the castle I tucked a worn-out Veronica into bed, got dressed and went looking for Marienne.

The sorceress was sitting in the library with a book and a glass of wine.

I knocked on the already open door, not wanting to disturb her. She didn’t even lift her head to greet me. “Come in, Iain.”

I limped in, the pain in my leg so much better than it had been hours ago.

When I sat down in the armchair next to her, she finally looked up at me. “You’re looking much better than you were earlier today.”

I couldn’t resist making a joke. “You know what they say. Love of a good woman, and all that.”

Marienne assessed me, her eyes glowing violet in the light. “You’re different somehow.”

“Veronica took me to these hot springs, and we bathed there. I’m not sure what it did, but the pain is less. My thoughts aren’t as dark. Significantly less so.”

She brought her drink to her lips and took a sip. “She saved you. Again.”

I nodded. “Is that twice, or three times now?”

Marienne turned in her chair toward me. “I’d count it as three, myself.”

I chuckled. “All in the space of a few days. Imagine what the count will be at the end of our lives together.”

Marienne’s eyes widened, then a large smile spread across her lips. “Is there to be a wedding?”

I nodded. “Yes. Tomorrow. I have to speak to Damon and Cass. Would you get word to everyone else? Mom? My sisters? Everyone?”

She closed her book and stood up. “Yes. There isn’t a moment to lose. When do you want everyone here? Really tomorrow, or just soon?”

I stood also, shaking out my ankle as pain tingled down to my toes. “Tomorrow.”

She shook her head, but her smile was kind as she said, “As impatient as your father, you are.”