His hands reached for my waist, dragging me closer. I slid my fingers up his arms and, when I reached his shoulders, I jumped up in the water, opened my legs, and let them float around his waist.
Iain gasped as though he was surprised at my action, but his hands moved down to grab my ass and haul me against his belly.
I got as close as I could, pressing my breasts to his chest. He still wasn’t moving much. I’d asked him to kiss me and, although he hadn’t fully rejected me, I could sense his resistance to getting any closer.
He couldn’t hide his erect hardness, though. Not when I was crushed up against it.
I tilted my hips and began to rock, his cock pressing up between us. I rubbed myself along his length, enjoying the sensations skittling through me and hoping I was eliciting the same response from him.
From his heartfelt groan, I guessed I was doing something right.
My fingers tangled in his hair and I teased him. “You aren’t going to kiss me, then, Iain?”
A growl rose in his chest and his fingers tightened on my ass. “You’re driving me insane.”
“Then do something about it.” I nipped at his jaw with my teeth, peppering soft kisses over his face.
He had to fight for me. I’d done all I could to prove I wanted him. It was now his turn.
He groaned but stayed frozen, like a statue amongst the heat of the pool. Anger rose inside of me but I didn’t give in to it. My temper had made me run from Iain before, but I wouldn’t this time. I wasn’t the petulant child they all thought I was. At least, not always. And I’d prove it.
“What’s wrong... mate?” I whispered, leaning back and arching my back, thrusting my breasts in his face. “You don’t want me anymore?”
He stood so fast I cried out. Then he climbed out of the pool and stared down at me, before reaching out a hand and pulling me out when I finally chose to clasp my hand into his.
He dragged me against his body, then turned and walked forward, backing me up against a cave wall. The stones were well worn and cool against my back.
He reached between us, grabbed his cock and ran it along my cleft, rubbing the head over my clit and making me whimper in need.
I was aching inside, becoming more frantic the more he pressed against me.
“I want you.” He groaned. “But I’m... afraid.”
“Of what?” I could barely formulate the sentence, but I had to know.
He grinned crookedly. “Rejection.”
I sucked in a breath and let it out slowly, Ragged. Then I shook my head. “No more rejection.”
He grabbed me around the waist and lifted me up, setting his lips to my nipples for deep, long sucks.
“Iain... oh my... wow.” I closed my eyes and grabbed onto his head, holding tight.
Then he slid me down again, my legs still tightly gripping him around the waist, and without letting me go, he climbed back down into the water once again.
He still hadn’t kissed my lips, and I found my gaze dropping from his eyes to his mouth, needing those lips on me again.
“Are you still afraid?” I whispered.
Long moments passed, the light of various lanterns flickering over the clear waters of the springs. I could see every line of his beautiful body beneath the water.
“I am,” he admitted, a hoarse note in his voice.
“Really? Of what, Iain?”
He chuckled slightly, but I could tell he was dead serious when he said, “That you’ll never love me the way I love you, Veronica. There’s too much... muddy water between us.”
I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck, “Look down, Iain. There’s nothing but clear water now.”