Shock, and maybe disbelief? Probably frustration at the stupidity of Fate making such a choice for me. But would I push the kid away by being constantly mean to him, and making him feel like I hated him? I simply wasn’t sure.
I was the youngest of three siblings, and the youngest of all the cousins. I’d spent my life racing to catch up. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have to wait for such a thing.
I realized my dad was studying me intently, and I shrugged, uncomfortable with his questions.
“I want you to think about it, baby girl, okay? Because Iain is a good man. A son to be proud of. He suits you well.”
I didn’t know what to say. In fact, my throat was clogged up and frozen in a most annoying way.
“Iain,” my dad said, but in a greeting type of way. I frowned and turned my head, following his gaze to the door.
Iain leaned against the doorframe, watching us.
“Come in,” Dad said, gesturing him over. “It is so good to see you alive and well. I apologize, Iain. I failed you.”
What? My dad had failed Iain? How? I frowned at my father then turned towards my mate. My beautiful man. God, he was divine to look at. Even confused and angry and hurt, as I was right now, my heart soared upon seeing him.
“No, Uncle Damon. No. You didn’t.” Iain limped over to the bed, his face contorting. He was obviously still in pain.
I watched him move gingerly, and a pang of guilt assailed me. Yesterday, he’d almost died. And I’d dragged him to bed last night to find out if the bond between us was as strong as I feared. It was, and it looked like Iain was paying the price today.
“You would have died,” Dad said, choking out the words. “Because of me.”
“I was the one who wanted to see that house,” Iain said, glancing at me as if to gauge my reaction to his words.
Dad was silent for a moment, then shook his head. “You two... no, Iain. You don’t need to cover for me. We both know I was the one who wanted to check out that wreck. It was my fault we were there, and that you went down to the cellar and got hurt. And if my daughter hadn’t come home and used whatever mating magic you two have to find you, you’d be dead.”
Iain’s surprise at my dad’s admission was obvious in his widening eyes.
No doubt I sported the same shocked expression. It was Dad’s fault? I managed a small smile at Iain. “You told me it was your fault. But it wasn’t.”
He shrugged, seeming slightly embarrassed. “It was no-one’s fault. It was simply... an accident. But if King Damon had died because he tried to fly home to save me, that would have been my fault.”
Tears threatened my composure again at the thought that I could have lost both of them. I slid off the bed and wandered over to the blazing fireplace to stare down into the flames. So Iain was a man of secrets and he’d been covering for my dad. Clearly, he loved my father, and from what he’d said, he loved me too.
“I don’t remember getting home,” Dad said, interrupting my musings about Iain. “How close did I get before passing out?”
“Close enough,” Iain answered; a diplomatic answer. “Your people set off the alarm and everything after that was a chain reaction. Theo sending for Veronica. Everyone trying to track me down.”
I turned to face them, my throat hurting from the effort to hold back my tears. “You’re both alive, and home, which is all that matters. I’ll leave you both if you don’t mind. I have to go and speak to someone.”
I had this intense urge to see Anthony, and I wasn’t sure why.
“I’ll come with you,” Iain said, but I waved my hand at him.
“No, please stay with my dad and visit. I won’t be long.”
He nodded at me, not trying to change my mind. I’d spent my life fighting for my place in this family, and in the larger group. Now it seemed that all I’d managed to gain for myself was a reputation as a selfish child who couldn’t put myself in anyone else’s shoes, and wouldn’t even forgive her own mate.
The truth hurts, though, doesn’t it?
I managed a smile to my father and Iain, and then I ran. Not simply down the castle hallways away from my father’s suite. I was also running away from my past, away from my possible future, and away from the pain that all of my choices in life had brought me so far.
Chapter 11.
While Iain stayed to chat with my father, I searched the castle to find my magical friends.