“It’s keeping his body alive until we can get help.” I said. “We’re pumping his heart for him and pushing oxygen into his lungs.”
I glanced over at Anthony, who was shoulder to shoulder with me. “You ready to take over from Theo? One, two, three, take over.”
Theo jumped out of the way and Anthony hopped straight into his spot. I got my breath back, then corrected his posture. “Get up a bit more, right over him. Yeah. Like that.”
I pinched Iain’s nose and breathed into his mouth.
More people burst into the room, including the healer and Marienne. I stared at the healer. “Please. You have to help him.”
The healer rushed over. “What happened?”
Dad called out. “We were talking. Iain went pale and said his leg was killing him. Then he went down.”
“Thirty,” Anthony called out.
I breathed into him, once, twice.
The healer lifted Iain’s pants leg and I stared down at the mangled red mess. “It didn’t look like that, last night.”
It had been damaged, but healing. Not red, or swollen.
“Poison,” the healer whispered, opening his bag and rummaging through.
Anthony had stopped pumping when Iain’s leg was revealed, and I yelled at him. “Keep going!”
I gave my mate two breaths and the sorcerer kept going again with compressions. I was starting to shake. “Please hurry.”
The healer pulled out a knife and rifled through his bag until he found a vial of white fluid. “I have to cut his leg open and dump this in. But if his heart isn’t pumping, he won’t come back.”
I staggered to my feet, all my hope leeching away. If only we had the defibrillator paddles from the human realm.
An idea began to form. “Marienne! I need you to shock Iain’s heart.”
The sorceress hurried over to us. Iain’s lips were pale.
Stavrok came running in, barely dressed, “Where’s my... no!”
I ran in front of the huge king. “I have a plan. But you need to get everyone back. Please. Help me.”
The king didn’t hesitate. He simply nodded and went into damage control. “Okay everyone out.”
“Except Marienne and the healer,” I said.
Stavrok gathered everyone up, even Anthony, and forced them all out of the room.
I continued CPR, even though my arms were shaking and I clinked teeth with Iain while trying to give him mouth to mouth.
“Healer, do the leg thing. Quickly. Don’t worry about the scarring.”
The healer did what I asked, slicing open Iain’s leg and pouring the white liquid on his leg. There was very little blood, and what was still there, seeped out of the wound, hissing and bubbling when it mixed with the medicine.
“I’m glad he’s passed out,” the healer said. “That would hurt like nothing else.
“He’s not passed out,” I snapped at him. “He’s legally dead. Now go.”
The healer grabbed his bag and left. I did one more round of CPR, breathed into his mouth twice, then shuffled back on my hands like a crab.