He laughed at whatever was showing in my expression, and stepped forward to take my hands in his. “We don’t have to...”
I nearly slapped him. “Stop saying that! You’re meant to be convincing me that you want me, not that you don’t care.” The old anxiety about rejection immediately reared up and I crossed my arms over my bare breasts, suddenly uncertain. “I know you don’t care! You’ve spent eight years convincing me of it.”
The lightness and humor disappeared from his face. He grabbed me and swung me up in his arms, walking the few steps to the bed and tossing me down onto the mattress.
I squealed a little as I bounced, but I wasn’t alone long.
Iain knelt over me, grabbing my wrists and pinning my arms above my head.
“What are you doing?” I demanded. “If you do that, I can’t touch you.”
I tugged, trying to drag my arms down, and Iain gave me an inch.
I frowned at him. “Seriously, Iain. What are you doing?”
“You want me to show you how much I want you?” He growled at me.
Tiny shivers of desire moved over my body, making goosebumps rise on my flesh.
I nodded.
“I need you, Veronica. Do you understand me? I don’t just want you. Being without you this past year has been fucking... horrendous.”
His words made tears spring to my eyes, but memories of my childhood stepped up, demanding to be answered.
“It’s hard to believe you,” I whispered. “You don’t need me. You don’t even like me.”
His nostrils flared, then he said, “Words aren’t going to show you how much I need you... so I’m going to have to show you with action. Grab hold of your bedhead. And don’t let go.”
I narrowed my eyes at him. I didn’t like being told what to do, but there was a tiny part of me that thrilled at the intent look in his gaze.
Iain rolled onto his side, bringing me with him, and still held my wrists above my head with one hand. Damn, he was strong.
“I do need you.” He ran his other hand over my body, exploring my curves from shoulder down to my hip and back again.
Then his fingers stroked over one of my nipples and I shivered, before he cupped my breast and squeezed.
Pleasure sparked inside my nerves and I gasped.
“But you’ll never understand how much.” He continued stroking his hand slowly over my belly. “Because while you were growing up, safe and secure, fighting your parents and becoming the dragon daughter...”
He slid his fingers between my thighs, stroking flesh that I didn’t know could ache in such a way. Flesh that was suddenly hot and wet and in need.
“I was lying in my bed... alone. Without my mate.”
His fingers found my clit and pressed, making me cry out.
“Now,” he said, and this time his authoritative tone made me suck in a breath. “Hold your head board, Veronica... my fated mate, or I’ll leave.”
“Okay,” I said, wriggling up to wrap my fingers around the wooden head board.
He didn’t laugh, or exult in his win. Instead, he rolled on top of me and pushed up so he could stare down into my face. “I love you. I know you don’t love me. Not yet. But I’ve loved you for years. Since you grew into the young woman you are today, fiery, stubborn and beautiful.”
I swallowed, speechless. But I had actions. I opened my legs, making room for his hard, muscled body.
He smiled softly, then shimmied down. “Don’t let go.”
I wasn’t sure why he was stopping me from touching him too, but with my arms like this, my spine arched naturally, forcing my breasts up.