Page 40 of Like Sugar

Elyse and I turned to the rest of the girls, passing shot glasses to each.With a clink of our shot glasses, we officially started the night.We were at a club in Boston calledShea’s.It had a whole Irish theme about it, and although there wasn’t an Irish atom in my body, I felt at home here.

Maybe that was the Irish car bomb shots I was feeling.Hard to tell.

The music had my body vibrating with energy.“Let’s go dance!”I yelled to my friends.The five of us made our way to the crowded dancefloor, alcohol lowering our inhibitions to the point dancing with strange men was fun instead of scary—while in full view of each other.We were drunk, but not quite stupid.We spent hours on that dance floor shaking our asses to the beat while attempting to hydrate with more alcohol.

I barely registered the ache in my feet when averyhandsome man joined me.With a hand on my waist he asked, “Did I hear it’s your birthday, beautiful?”I looked over my shoulder to see this man with bright green eyes and long dark hair pulled back in a bun.

“Are you wearing mascara?”I asked, already forgetting he asked me a question.

“Those lashes are a gift of good genetics.”He winked.“I’m Rob.”He turned me to face him as we moved to the beat as one.

“Candi.”As I told him my name I stumbled a bit, but he caught my arm and held me upright.

Elyse sidled up beside us and yelled, “Don’t look now, but Senator Hot Stuff is here.”

Rob appeared to cover a chuckle as I looked around for Mason.“Are you sure?I don’t see him.”

“It’s him.He was glaring,” Elyse responded.

“Well, screw him and his surly attitude.It’s my birthday.”I wrapped my arms around Rob’s neck and closed any distance.

“So, birthday girl, wanna head out?”Rob asked, nudging his chin toward the exit.

I very much wanted to go with him.And not just because I could feel Mason watching, because fuck him.“Why yes, I would like that very much.”

I let my friends know I was leaving with Rob.Elyse asked to take a picture of his ID so she could alert the police if I didn’t check in every hour until proof arrived that I was safely home.He leaned in to say something to her while flashing his ID.Her eyebrows lifted, she took the picture, and we were on our way.

When we got to the exit Mason was standing there, arms crossed angrily across his chest.“What are you doing, Candace?”



One hour before

“Let’s just hit upShea’sfor a while.You need to unwind, big brother.You’re looking tense, even for you,” my younger brother, Rob, said as we stood outside the aforementioned club.“Who knows, maybe we can get you laid.”

I rolled my eyes.“Or you?”

“Eh, maybe, but something tells me most of the guys here will be straight and I’m done with straight boys.”He waltzed to the front of the club and paid the cover.

We went straight for the bar to get drinks.The music was loud, and the place was humid with the sweat of the bodies dancing in the center of the room.“I forgot how much I hate clubs,” I mumbled.

“Huh?”Rob cupped his ear.

I shook my head and took a sip of my gin and tonic as I surveyed the scene.“You seriously still go out to clubs?”I asked.

“Are you ninety or thirty-two?I’m a single twenty-nine-year-old man.Of course I hit up the clubs.Usually they are gay-er though.Thrill of the hunt.”He waggled his eyebrows at me.

My younger brother was the polar opposite of me in most areas.I was always the preppy kid; he hung out with the emo kids.I was a Senator, and I was pretty sure Rob wasn’t even registered to vote.I played by all the rules; he broke them all.Okay, there were rules I clearly disregarded, but those are the tip of the iceberg compared to Rob.

I liked women; he like men.

As I was contemplating actually enjoying this scene, I saw her.Candace.Shaking her ass into the crotch of some guy I didn’t know.“Well, isn’t that fucking great,” I groaned.

Rob gave me a quizzical look before following my gaze.“You know her?”

“That’s my nanny.Pretty sure we just stumbled upon her birthday party.”I watched as she stumble-danced her way to the bar for another drink I was sure she didn’t need.