Page 3 of Like Sugar


Told you she wanted more

This is the worst timing


I have Mallory ready to take over and a lead on a nanny

Great.Now I just have to let Y say bye to C so we can come back down


Good luck with that.

“Come on buddy, let’s go see mom.”

“And Eli?”

I sighed heavily.“No buddy, remember?We talked about this.Eli isn’t there anymore.”

“Because him died?”His big brown eyes looked at me with confusion.Explaining death to a three-year-old had been damn near impossible.I felt so bad for the little guy.Eli was a father figure to him but had died of cancer the week before.His mother, Catherine, was understandably beside herself with grief, so I had been trying to be the one to explain the concept of death on his level.

“Yes, Wy.Eli died.And we won’t get to see him anymore.But,” I tried to seem upbeat, “we get to go see mama.Let’s get our stuff together, okay?”

“Will auntie Elle be there?”

God, I hope not.Seeing my ex-wife—sister of my baby mama, was not high on my to-do list this morning.It shocked me that she agreed Wyatt needed to stay with me while Catherine processed her loss.

Hence the need for a nanny.




“I’m taking Wyatt back to DC with me,” I told Catherine.She sat on her couch, wrapped in a blanket.It looked like she tried to look somewhat normal for Wyatt, but she wasn’t fooling anyone else.Not that she needed to, what she was going through had to be brutal.Elle and I were divorced, but if something happened to her, I’d be inconsolable for weeks.

Oh, the fucked-up life I live.

“When will you be back?”she asked, wiping a tear from her eye with the blanket.

I ran a hand through my hair.“Well, Thanksgiving for a couple of days, but then we go back down until just before Christmas break.”

She flinched.“Just leave him here.We’ll be fine.”


“Mason,” she mimicked.

“Just take the time to heal.Wyatt needs stability and right now, understandably, you can’t provide that.”

“And taking him back and forth to DC is providing that?”she whispered harshly.

“I’ve hired a nanny.She will make sure he has a routine or whatever.”I really don't know how to raise this kid.

“You aren’t keeping him until Christmas.You can take him until you come up for Thanksgiving.By then everything will be fine.”A fresh wave of tears streaked her cheeks.She didn’t bother to wipe these away.