“Sure can.Have you ever made your own toast before?”
“Yess!Eli lets me do the butter.”Uh-oh.
I tried to move the conversation swiftly away from the topic of Eli.It was too early in our relationship for us to discuss death, but Wyatt had other plans.“Can we see him?”
“I’m sorry buddy, we can’t,” I answered.
He pouted.“Because him died?”
“Yeah,hedid.”I could see his tiny mind trying to process what this meant.I helped him spread butter over the toast.“But you know what?”I asked.His curious eyes looked at me.“He’s always in here,” I pointed to his heart.“This is your heart.This is where we keep all the people we love.”
He looked down at my finger.“I swallowed him?”
I giggled.“No, silly goose.Your tummy is where the things you swallow go.”I poked his belly and gave a little tickle.
He took a big bite of his toast, chewed, and swallowed.“It’s my froat.”He dug a butter-covered finger into his throat.
“Yes,” I confirmed.
He moved his finger down his torso to his belly.“It goes to my belly.”I nodded.“And then I poops it out!”he laughs hysterically.I chuckled.Three-year-olds.
The two of us had a fun, but uneventful day.I tried to get to know where everything was, and Wyatt tried to see where my boundaries were.This kid never stopped moving.By the time Mason got home for dinner, I was ready to sleep for days, which was probably for the best becauseJesus on a trampoline, this man was so fucking hot.
Like, fan yourself off, hot.
Instant wet panties, hot.
Throw me against the wall and fuck me, hot.
Alas, he was my boss and probably not interested in someone my age.
After Wyatt was all tucked in, Mason asked, “How did it go?”
“Great,” I chirped.
He chucked, pointing toward my head.“Really?Looks like you had a rough day.”
“Does it?”I asked, worried about what I had on my face to cause his comment.
“He’s a handful.I’m afraid that without his mom or aunt around, he’s been a little more so than usual.”
I desperately wanted to ask so many questions, but I refrained.“He’s three.We’ll get settled back into a routine.But yes, the kid has endless energy.I’m gonna go sleep it off.Goodnight.”
I slipped into my room as quickly as I could and grabbed a mirror.There was some Nutella from Wyatt’s afternoon snack—he reminded me every chance he got his snack was Nutella—and my hair was a tattered mess in my messy bun because I let him brush it.
Yeah.That guy did not want me the way I wanted him.
It was totally wrong, butfuckmy nanny was hot.
Jailbait.She’s jailbait, Mason.
I had to remind myself of this every morning as our limbs would brush in the small area between the kitchen island and the sink as I got ready for work, and she made Wyatt breakfast.
This morning we both turned quickly, the front of our bodies crashing.Red filled her cheeks immediately.I had to jump back because I could feel my cock swell in my pants at the contact.