Page 11 of Daddy's Praise

She locked the door.

"Come here."


What was about to happen? Did I really want it to happen? Probably not, but curiosity killed the cat, right? As I locked the door, I stood facing it for a moment, arguing with myself. Every lucid, not-lust-addled part of my brain was screaming at me to run in the other direction. Go to my desk and get to work. The feminist in me was saying to march straight to HR.

And then there was the other, louder part. The part of me that wrote the sexy fantasy about my boss that had landed me in this position in the first place. The part of me that had no real social life and sat around on the weekends reading smutty books and waiting for it to be Monday again so I could get my daily dose of Archer.

The part of me that was desperate for an orgasm that wasn’t self-inflicted. Would Archer give that to me? Where was this going to go? At the moment the possibilities seemed endless, and as scary as that was, the idea of not knowing, of walking out and never knowing was much scarier.

When Archer called me to him, I went, praying he couldn’t hear my knees shaking with each step I took.

When I reached the desk, Archer stood and walked around to the front of it, and I saw his erection tenting his designer slacks. It looked… much, much larger than I was expecting. I gulped. Maybe I didn’t want that orgasm after all. I couldn’t even see his cock, and what I could see looked like it would tear me in half.

“Is that the first time you’ve written a fantasy scene with me in it?” he questioned, fiddling with the cuff of his rolled-up sleeve.

Lie. Just do it. Open your mouth and lie out your ass.

“I’ve um… I’ve done it a few times,” I admitted, staring down at the floor.Shit. Why had I said that?

“I’d like to read them sometime. I found this one to be very… titillating.”

Over my dead body.

I didn’t respond and he didn’t press the issue, moving quickly onto a different line of questioning.

“You’re a very beautiful, sexy woman, Audrey. Do you have a boyfriend?” I felt his gaze flit to my hands and I knew he was doing a ring check. “A fiancé? A husband?”

“No, Sir. It’s just me.”

“Good.” I looked up in time to see what could only be described as an evil grin cross his face. “I can work with that. That is, if you’re amenable.”

Shit. Shit. Shit. What did he mean?

“What are you proposing?”

Mischief glinted in his eyes. “Say yes, and you’ll find out.”

God, I wanted to. But I was in it now. I wasn’t going to be some submissive little secretary. I was waking up to the game, and I wanted to play. “I can’t, Sir. I mean, I would… I might even want to but you see, yesterday I was advised against agreeing to things before I knew what I was agreeing to,” I teased, referencing the lecture he’d given me at lunch.

“Touche.” His eyes narrowed and his mouth turned into a smirk. He sighed. “For now, I’m proposing you allow me to finish that scene in real life, the way I think it should have ended. From there…” He shrugged. “We’ll have to see.”

We’ll have to see indeed. I wasn’t much of a gambler. I lived my life on the safe side. I played by the rules. I did and said what was expected of me, not that it had ever done me any good.

Archer’s gaze roamed over my body, and I closed my eyes, hearing his rarely-uttered words of praise, delivered in that honey-smooth voice of his.

Did he know how badly I craved those two simple words? How I lived for them?

“Audrey?” He said my name softly, bringing me back into the present.

“I’ll do it,” I said, much too eagerly, and far too loudly. I felt my face get hot. Lowering my voice, I tried again. “I mean, I accept your proposal, Sir.”

“Good girl.”

He said those two words, and I knew I was a goner. Doomed. Putty in his hands.

Chapter 5