Page 90 of The Stardust Effect

“Juniper, don’t.” He stepped to her and she cracked it open and the dog pressed his nose inside, curious.

“Look.” Her hand dropped to his nose with a lick. “Don’t be afraid, he’s not even that big.”

“Fine.” He said sternly.

Juniper slowly opened the rest of the door, letting him slink in. His body wiggled around her while his tail whipped back and forth, “Hi bud.” She dropped down letting him lick her face. “Look at you. You have no home, little friend.”

“We don’t know that.” He said, getting the dog's attention. He circled his legs looking up at him, Wolfie placed a hand out getting a ‘kiss’ and pet him between the ears. “Hello.”

“Look at him, he’s dirty and thin. If he isn’t homeless, he’s definitely lost or not taken care of.” She defended the pup.

“Juniper.” He looked at her knowing he wouldn’t get his way. “We cannot keep him, Jay will be here in one month.”

“I know.” She pouted. “We’ll keep him for now.”

June Twentieth


He realized the days were getting warmer as he finished his coffee on the deck next to Juniper and her new friend. He wasn’t going to lie, the little guy was growing on him and he hadn’t left the house despite him sleeping outside. It probably didn’t help that June had washed him and given him breakfast, lunch and dinner for the last three days.

Juniper nudged him, “Wolfgang.”

“Hm.” He was unbothered.

“There’s a guy over there.”

“What?” He looked in the direction of her gaze and stood. An older man was staring at them across the tree line. “Hey!” He shouted, “Are you looking for your dog?”

The man shook his head “No.That Kelpie'sbeen wandering around these parts for a few months. Nobody has claimed him.”

“Can I help you with anything?”

He shook his head no and retreated back into the tree line walking to the distant cabin.

“That was weird.” Wolfie said, grabbing Juniper's empty mug with his. “What’s a Kelpie?”

June shrugged, “So,” and followed him into the house, “He’s homeless.”

He sighed knowing where this was going.

“Do you think we can keep him? Take him to the island?”

“I will ask but please don’t get attached if the answer is no.” He rinsed both cups as Juniper sat next to the dog on the floor.

“What should we name him?”

“Isn’t that part of ‘don’t get attached’?” Wolfie placed both cups face down on the drying rack.

She looked around the room and spotted the record player, “How about Zeppelin?”

“June.” He dried his hands and walked to her, “Are you not listening?”

She stood, squaring up to him. “Who says I can't have a dog?”

“Uh, Margaret?”

June bent down to pet him, “She’ll say yes.”