Page 55 of The Stardust Effect


He sat in his jeep in front of his next job thinking about June. Was it one month yet? Do girls like to celebrate small milestones? He remembered his parents celebrating anniversaries but still didn’t know. He knew someone could help and pulled his phone out to call Brittanya.

“Hey. What are you up to?” He said.

“Working, what’s up?”

“Are one month anniversaries a thing? Am I supposed to do anything?”

“Wow, one month already?”

“Yeah, I know, should I do anything?”

“What day is it, exactly?”

“Let me check,” He pulled out his calendar app looking back one month to see the Saturdays to pinpoint the exact date, “The twenty fifth.”

“So this Saturday?”

“I guess so. Am I supposed to do anything?”

“No,” She chuckled, “ Some girls like it and some girls don't. I don't see June caring one way or another. We could all go out that night, it is Community Day.”

“Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of a relationship? If I take her to one of those?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, lots of couples go, Fade and Whitney, Shianne might show up with Max. Let's go out, me, you two, Whitney and Fade. MaybeIam trying to find someone? Don’t be selfish Wolfie, I’ll ask the girls.”

“Fine, but I would like to ask June.”

“Listen, on Saturday, Just tell her happy one month and it should be enough for her to appreciate that you remembered, it’s not like it’s one year, okay? Women just like knowing you’re thinking of them.”

He closed his Jeep door, “Alright, I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay, bye bye.”

Wolfgang ended the call standing at the door of the next job and selected his last message from June.

Wolfgang ‘How’s lunch?’

Juniper ‘Good. We are talking about baby names and future children.’

Wolfgang ‘That’s not funny Juniper.’

Juniper ‘It’s kind of funny.’

Wolfgang ‘Do you want to go out Saturday? Us, Brittanya, Whitney and Fade?”

Juniper ‘Sure, I’ll wear that black dress.’

Wolfgang ‘Jesus Juniper, I’m at a client's house.’

Juniper ‘And I’m with your mom.’

Wolfgang ‘Love you.’

He sighed with relief that she had brought his mother up, diffusing his situation that was arising.

Chapter Eighteen