Page 39 of The Stardust Effect

“Okay?” June tucked the pie container to the side.

“You know how I came to your house to fix your door?”

“Um, yes.”

“I technically made it so your door wouldn’t work at that time. So you wouldhaveto call me. I wanted to see you again. I saw you at work and knew it wouldn’t be the last time.”

“You what?” June smirked at him while taking a drink.

“And the next day I was an idiot and forgot to turn it back on, there was no ant, that was an alibi. But I did get to see you again and ask you out.”

“I knew it,” She capped her water, “How did you know where I live?”

“Ugh, that’s another thing, I looked up your file. I knew all your basic info before I came to fix your door.”

“Wow.” June didn’t know whether to be impressed or mad. She stayed quiet. She thought of how he said there should be no secrets. She wanted to tell him of Ben, how damaged she was. “Do you want me to be honest with you right now?”

“I always want you to be honest with me.”

June’s mind was sprinting with thoughts, she knew if she was going to tell him, she had to just spill it. “You asked about my ex and I didn’t want to talk about it then.”

“I’m not going to make you do anything you don’t want to do Juniper.”

She inhaled deeply and then released, “After my family passed and I was alone, I met this guy, Ben. And in society there’s poverty and high class. Ben was high class and I was struggling to get a meal. He helped me get on my feet, got me a room in an apartment and a shitty job where he used to manage. Everything he did for me, was to benefit him. But in my eyes at the time, I thought he truly was helping me. He had this way of making everything look good, like I should praise him and I was fooled.” June powered through the tightness in her voice.

“After a while, things got sour. He tracked my every move and treated me as an object he owned. I knew he was seeing other girls too. He’d flirt with other girls in front of me and would say things like ‘that’s how you should dress, or do your hair.’ He’d buy me things to make me feel obligated to stay with him or that I wouldn’t find anything better than him. I never felt like I really loved him but felt forced to say it. I tried to learn how to love him, but the abuse made it hard. He would point out my physical flaws and any weight I gained, I packed my stuff so many times-”

Wolfie stopped her and tensed up, “Juniper, pray that I never meet him.”

“I’m letting you know, I’m damaged.” Her eyes glazed over and her lips started to tremble.

“No.” He pulled her onto his lap and held her against his chest. “You’re perfect.”

“I just think you should know if I act weird about something, that’s why. I have a shitty past. Margaret even asked if I was hiding from someone.” She sniffled, “He broke me.”

“Stop.” He pulled her face up revealing her big watering eyes, as if he wondering how anyone could hurt her. “You can always talk to me about it, but I don’t want to hear you talk about yourself that way. I see someone who is kind, funny, smart and beautiful.”

“You mean hot?” June’s face lifted.

“Yes, hot.” He squeezed her into his chest, brushing her face with his and placing his warm lips on hers. “You’re not damaged.”

After a moment June gathered herself back together. “That was embarrassing.”

“I guess we both have moments that have embarrassed us. But yours was nothing to be embarrassed about.”

June slid back next to him, “So, you don’t have any ex girlfriends, have you been intimate with anyone?”

“Um, I’ve kissed a few girls.”

“And?” She cocked an eyebrow expecting more.

“We’re being honest right?”

“Ya.” June exhaled.

“Only one, a one night stand. It was at a party and it was nothing. She’s married now and has two kids.”

“Oh, and here you brought me to an excluded area, to do what?” She questioned.