“Hey Brittanya.” He returned the smile, Brittanya was a ray of sunshine in his eyes. They had history. “You guys have a problem?”

“Yes,” She stood, stepping out of the way, “Our computer froze.”

“Ugh,” Wolfgang groaned, “The hardware is getting so old here, I’m hoping our request on the resource list gets filled soon.” He stood in front of the computer pressing keys and trying the mouse, nothing.

“How is your mom?” She stood waiting by his side.

His big hands didn’t need to stretch to press three buttons simultaneously. “She’s good, I just saw her at lunch.” His eyes didn’t leave the screen as the computer screeched and turned black.

“That’s good. It’s Placement Day, are you going to ‘Community Day’ tomorrow?” She air quotes with sarcasm.

“Community Day? More like a meat market, no thanks.” Wolfgang chuckled as he fiddled with the back of the computer.

“I’m going, Shianne want’s to go. We’re also getting a roommate, so that could be fun.”

“Yeah, I saw there were three women and three men coming.” He straightened up as the computer turned on.

“Want me to set you up with my roommate?”

“The new one?”

“No, Shianne.” She smirked.

“No thank you.” He whispered and backed away from the desk, “She’s just not my type.”

Brittanya laughed and switched spots with Wolfgang, “You should tell her that.”

He sighed, “Can I set up an appointment for a cut while I am out here?”

“Sure!” She sat back in her seat, “What day?”

“Saturday?” He pushed his palms against the desk.

“I’m off that day.” She looked up at him.

“Next Saturday?”

“The fourth? I am available in the morning, nine thirty?”

“Perfect.” He pulled out his phone and entered an appointment reminder in his calendar. “I have to go to my next job, their door lock has seized up.”

“Oh geez.” Brittanya filled in her nine thirty slot on the computer.

“See you later.” He stepped away.

“Bye Wolfie.” She smiled as he left.


Looking out the window, everything was perfect, the roads were straight and businesses were on the center street of the little town. All of the houses seemed perfect, modest square homes sitting on the greenest grass June had seen in a long time.

They passed a supply store connected to a restaurant as they rounded a corner into a residential area. Seven houses in, the bus stops and the plump driver who could pass for Santa Claus announced, “You are now home, twenty four ninth street.” He smiled.

“Thank you.” she responded standing up and grabbing her large bag and dragged it off the few steps, leaving the bus empty. To reassure herself she double checked the two and the four next to the door and noticed a girl sitting on the porch, which made June more nervous as she approached cautiously.

“Hey,” She said sitting there with her black ponytail pulled up with a bandanna around her head.

“Hi.” June whimpered as she came to a stop and observed the girls bare arms covered in tattoos. “I don’t know if you were expecting me, I’m-”