Page 16 of The Stardust Effect

Brittanya ‘Are you kidding?! Can I set you two up?’

Wolfgang ‘I just wanted to know if she was crazy, and who said I wanted to be set up?’

Brittanya ‘Guys don’t bring girls up if they’re not interested and no signs of crazy yet. She’s sweet and pretty shy though.’

Wolfgang ‘I think I might ask her out. Don’t say anything though, I’m not one hundred percent sure yet.’

Brittanya ‘You’re killing me.’

Wolfgang ‘Sorry. I have got to play it safe, this place is too small to play games.’

Brittanya ‘That’s true.’

Wolfgang ‘Does Shianne still work nights?’

Brittanya ‘For the most part.’

Wolfgang ‘Alright, thanks.’

Chapter Six

January Twenty Six


June had finally met her coworkers, two other seamstresses Summer and Kinlee, and two tailors Calvin and Levi. June was the youngest of the six employees, including Golden.

“Is there going to be a theme this year at the annual ball?” Levi asked the group.

Summer shrugged, “If there is, I haven’t heard. They usually don’t announce it until next month.”

“I’m just glad they stopped doing extreme formal and now do a mix and match of styles. I think that is more fun.” Kinlee added.

June leaned to Calvin, “What is this annual ball for?”

He lifted his foot off the pedal, “It’s like their Fourth of July mixed with Thanksgiving to celebrate their establishment and how far they have come as a society. They make announcements, enjoy a three course meal and have a band play. It’s sixteen and older but a lot of people look forward to it.”

June nodded in agreement and went back to work. Their sewing machines whirred in the room as the air conditioner kicked on repeatedly. June decided to make a basic satin dress. It was black, thin strapped and floor length with a cowl neckline. She decided accessories and what not can be added to as needed. She pinned her design together over the dressmaker mannequin and would sew it together tomorrow as three o clock was approaching and she spent all day cutting her design out.

“Golden, am I good to go?” She stood near his station.

“Three already?”

“Yes.” Her hands clasped together.

“Yes, I will see you tomorrow.”

“Thank you, goodbye Golden.” She turned and grabbed her phone.

“Goodbye Junie babe!” He shouted. “Goodbye Summer.” He pointed out her dismissal too as her shift ended at three as well.

June got to the car Brittanya was waiting in. “How was your day?” Brittanya repeated herself like yesterday.

“It went by pretty fast and I got to meet my coworkers.” June buckled herself in.

“That’s good, I don't have any more scissor wounds from children.” She announced. “How are you doing on food? Are you still good?”

“I should be, what are we doing for dinner?” June had learned that most of the time the house makes dinner together, or takes turns.