Page 54 of The Stardust Effect

“Yes. I love your son.” Her eyes lifted from the table catching Marilyn's.

“It’s about damn time he meets someone he can have the same feelings back for.”

June cleared her throat, “I’m glad it was me.”

“I hope so too.” She shifted in her seat, “So, where are you from?”

“North California.”

“Like northern California?”

June remembered how long they had been here, “No, California split into two.”

It did?” She was taken back. “Well where are you from? Brigham and I were from there too.”

“Really? What part?”

“Redding. Well, Brig and I met in Whitmore. My family has a cabin there and his family was camping or rented a cabin, I can’t remember.”

“I’m from Sacramento, I think that’s a three hour drive.”

“Possibly, we’ve been here for thirty one years, it’s hard to remember things from such a different life.”

“So, what’s the story between you and Wolfgang's dad, how did you meet? I want to hear the whole story.”

“Like I said, we were at our family cabin, my sister and I went walking near Clover Creek and saw him, I was only nineteen but was smitten from the start. He was twenty three and felt the same way about me. He was going to Shasta College at the time in Redding for software programming and his family was from Tahoe. We got married a year later after graduation. One of his young professors was actually Margaret Mars' husband. He's passed since then but that's how we got here.”

“What made you decide to come here?”

“We wanted a community and a place where we wouldn't have to be tied to a nine to five and worry about our future children’s safety, so we came here. Six months later we had them bring Amy here and leaving our family was the hardest part.”

“What did you tell them?”

“The truth, we were going to live on an island and build a community. They didn’t know where.”

“That must have been hard. All my family is gone, it would have seemed silly not to come here. Did you have any other siblings?”

“Yes, I have a brother. He was against the whole thing and probably thinks we’re dead in some jungle.” She sighed as the plates arrived at the table.

“Thank you.” Juniper looked down at her warm food and her phone buzzed in her lap startling her.

Wolfgang ‘Thank you. I love you. You look hot today.’

Juniper ‘What do you mean?’

Wolfgang ‘Thank you for going to lunch with my mom, I have deep feelings for you, If you look anything like Juniper Jensen, you look hot today.’

June placed her phone in her bag next to her, “Did Amy ever marry?” June pushed her salad around in between bites.

“Amy?” Marilyn wiped her mouth, “No, before she came out here she was with this guy, Conner. She was head over heels for him, tall, charming, handsome, the whole package. He had some loose ends to tie up before he came out here, so she came alone. Months passed by and he never showed up. Brigham, being good at technology, found that Conner had passed away not long after we established roots here. Amy carries some of the blame. He wanted to elope a month before coming out here, she thinks if she agreed, he would have come with her when she did.”

“That’s terrible, Amy is so sweet.”

“She looked around and even dated Jay for a while but never found someone as good as Conner and gave up.”

June placed her fork down, finished with her food, “that’s too bad, she's a catch.”

“She is.”