She stepped back away from him and busied herself, clearing away some gauze. “I can’t.”
“No. It doesn’t work. My schedule. Yours. And I have a rule about not dating Navy men.”
She’d shut him down, flooring him. That was a first for him. Normally women didn’t say no. Yeah, big ego or what? Maybe he’d read the signals wrong, or perhaps there was someone else. But hell, he’d been speechless.
Ryan headed back inside the bar, bracing for the ribbing he was going to get.
“Well look who’s back. The man who has his very own stalker,” Tyler mocked.
“Ha ha, very funny.”
“Ryan, brother, that’s what you get for ghosting someone.” Mackie grinned. “But man, she is seriously hot. Why would you ghost that?”
“None of your business. Can we change the subject now?” He really did not want to discuss Athena. The boys took the hint and backed off.
Dex handed him another beer. “You good?”
“Yeah, it’s all good.”
They sat at the bar, the rest of the team heading to the pool table. Sam stepped away to take a call.
“That doesn’t look good.” Ryan motioned to Sam, who was frowning. Finishing the call, he came back to the bar.
“Tell the boys I said goodbye. I got to head out.” He quickly finished his beer.
“Everything alright?” Dex asked.
“Is it ever alright?” He turned and left.
“The man never stops, does he?” Ryan remarked.
“No. Can’t imagine what it was like before we came along, with just one team.”
“Slower.” Ryan chuckled, referring to Nyx’s slower time on the drill.
Dex laughed, raised his bottle. “You got that right.”
“Where’s your girl?” Lieutenant Kelly Kimber had recently accepted Sam’s offer to join his intel team. The boys were thrilled. As a naval intelligence officer, she had worked with them numerous times. They trusted and respected her and loved her like family.
“She went to the base to finish up her exit paperwork.”
“It’s great to see you guys back together.” Ryan meant it. The whole team were family, but he, Dex, and Kelly had a bond that had begun way before the team. She and Dex had hit a rough patch after Kelly had been captured by terrorists, held hostage for five days before the team rescued her. But they were back on track now and Ryan was genuinely happy for them.
Dex’s face broke into a smile. “Thanks. It feels great. So, what about you? I’m kinda surprised you turned that down, she was hot.”
Ryan shrugged. “I don’t know. It was a casual thing, and it lost its appeal.”
“Would that be because of a certain doctor by any chance?”
Dex knew Sophie had shut him down that day at Westside. He also knew Ryan wasn't someone that gave up that easily on a challenge.
“What’s going on? Or should I mind my own business?”
“We had a moment.”