“Friends with benefits?” She arched an eyebrow and he winced.
“Yeah, OK. But if I have a second chance with you, I want to do it right. So, Lieutenant Kimber, will you have dinner with me tonight?”
“Yes Commander Dawson, I would love to.”
OH GOD, WHY WAS SHE so nervous? It was just dinner with Dex. She didn’t just have butterflies in her stomach, she was pretty damn sure they were caught up in a hurricane!
She’d been through five outfits already, each one not feeling right. Too plain, too sexy, too casual or worst of all, showed her scars. Jeez Kelly, if this goes where you want it to go with Dex, he’s going to see your scars. She scowled at herself in the mirror.
She settled on a white halter neck dress that flared out from the waist. There were no scars on her back but some on her arms, so she paired it with a light wrap so she wouldn’t feel so self-conscious. Spending so much time at home, she had a nice tan, which contrasted nicely against the white fabric. Leaving her dark hair loose, she applied light make-up. She was just slipping on sandals when she heard Dex’s truck pull into the driveway.
Taking a deep breath to slay the butterflies, she stole one last glance in the mirror before opening the front door. Dex was just getting out of his truck, his handsome face smiling up at her. That smile, the one she could never get enough of, made her feel warm and excited. It felt good to feel that way. Really good.
Kelly walked down the steps.
“Hey handsome.” She smiled. He was dressed in a smart pair of dark jeans and a pale blue fitted shirt that emphasized his broad shoulders.
“You look beautiful.” He stopped before her and held out his hand. She took it and let him lead her to the truck, where he opened the door.
“Thank you. I could get used to this, sailor.”
“Nothing more than you deserve. I got a few years to make up for.” He winked before closing the door and walking around to get in the driver’s side.
“Where are we going?”
“Somewhere appropriate for a beautiful lady on a first date.” He grinned as he reversed out of the driveway.
They chatted easily as he drove. She was surprised when he headed to the Coronado bridge that would take them to the mainland, but she stayed quiet. She was safe with Dex. She had nothing to worry about and for the first time in months, she felt happy. Really, truly happy.
“I miss seeing the team on base. It’s strange not having you guys around.”
“The team misses you too. Perhaps we can arrange a night at Jerry’s with them.”
“I’d like that.”
Ten minutes later, Dex pulled off the main road, expertly weaving his way through the streets to the old part of town, where he parked. Kelly went to open the door.
“Wait.” He smiled and hopped out. Coming round the front of the truck, he opened the door for her. He held out his hand and she took it, carefully stepping down. Without letting her hand go, he closed the door, locked the truck, and led her a short distance down the street.
The restaurant was an old Italian place with checkered red and white tablecloths and oil lamps glowing in the late evening twilight. They were shown through to a little courtyard with twinkling fairy lights and a half dozen tables. It was cozy, intimate. Perfect.
“I never knew this place was here,” she said as Dex pulled out her chair.
“Pops used to take my mom here. It was their favorite place.”
“Oh wow. Then I’m flattered you brought me here. It’s special.”
“You are the only woman I have brought here. The only one I ever will.” His gaze met hers as he sat, the heat in them practically burning her.
The meal was perfect and the conversation light. They went down memory lane, laughing at some of their childhood exploits and reminiscing over picnics and family gatherings.
The waiter cleared away their plates, leaving Kelly with her second glass of wine and Dex with the same beer he’d been nursing all night. He never really drank. With this new job, he was always on standby. He always had to be prepared. She understood that.
“Is everything good with the team now, and Sam?”
She didn’t miss the way his jaw tensed briefly before he answered. “Yeah, we’re all good. Moved on. Looking forward to getting back out there.”
“Do you know when that might be?”