Page 81 of No Regrets

“Anything else? Any sign of a break in?”

“No. Nothing.”

“It’s handwritten and hand delivered. Do you recognize the writing?”

“No. But hell, I’ve pissed off a lot of people over the past ten years or so.”

“Yeah, but we’ve never had anything like this in SEALs. I bet it’s more recent. Let’s get Mackie to see if he can get any prints off it. I’ll call him and we can meet him at HQ.”

“You and I both know it's highly unlikely someone would leave that kind of calling card for us.” Dex was pissed as hell. Whoever this fucker was, he’d been to his home, brazenly walked up and placed the envelope on his doorstep. Probably watching to see when Dex left. This was planned, and the big knot in his gut said this was just the beginning.

“We can check the prints later. Right now, I want to beef up security around here and put some cameras in. If he does this again, maybe we’ll get an image. Got time to help?”

Ryan looked insulted. “Seriously, you really have to ask?”

“Was just being polite.” he slapped him on the back, grateful to have him there.

“YOU SURE YOU DON’T want to tell the team yet?” Ryan asked, unpacking the cameras they bought.

“Not yet. It could be a crank, and I know Sam gave everyone the day off, I don’t want to screw up their down time.”

“Oh, but you’re OK screwing up mine.” Ryan said, humor in his voice.

“Well, yeah. You can't tell me you wouldn't have been coming here today anyway,” Dex replied dryly. No way Ryan would have left him alone the day after he’d buried his father.

“So, you spoken to Kelly yet?”

Dex stopped running the wires to glance at his best friend. “Er, no. Got a little distracted by a threat.”

“How long have we known each other?” Ryan was climbing a ladder getting ready to install one of the cameras in the corner of the porch.

“Twelve plus years.” Dex continued with the wiring.

“So, I know when you’re stalling. I thought you were eager to sort this out.” He threw Dex a ‘what the fuck’ look.

Dex sighed. “I am.”

“OK. So, go. I got this. I’ll call Tyler, he’ll come by and help.”

“No. I’m good.”

“Jesus, Dex, this is like pulling teeth. Why are you putting it off suddenly?” Ryan stopped what he was doing, not hiding his frustration.

“What the hell am I supposed to say? Sorry, you saw me with my hands in another woman’s panties. Oh, by the way, it meant nothing. I still love you?”

Ryan came down the ladder to face him. “Seriously? I thought it was just a kiss.”

“Yeah, well, it was more than that, and I don’t know what she saw.” Dex couldn’t look at him, instead grabbing some cutters.

“Hopefully only the kiss. Did you...?”

Dex dropped the cutters, annoyed. “No! I came to my fucking senses and ended it. I—”

Ryan interrupted him. “OK! OK! It’s not good. But nothing really happened, and if you want any chance of getting past this, you need to tell Kelly the truth.”

“You think I don’t know that?” Fuck, he had no idea how to handle that conversation.

“You’ve known her all your life. That counts for something. She’ll listen.”