Page 34 of No Regrets

“They were very impressed that you were able to gather the intel, plan, and execute the operation in such a short period of time. And the commander asked me to pass on his praise, although he does not condone you disobeying orders.”

Wow, what could he say to that? He decided to stay quiet until asked to speak.

“The commander of this black ops team is a highly decorated member of the Navy who everyone sitting on this board here knows and respects. You should be honored that he took the time to make this statement on your behalf.”

“I am, sir. I would like the opportunity to thank him.”

“Not happening. If he wants you to know who he is, he’ll do so.”

More whispering erupted between them, and Dex waited, somewhat dumbstruck that a black ops team he didn’t know had his back.

“The second statement we received is from Lieutenant Kelly Kimber herself.”

Dex’s knees almost gave way. What? Hell, he didn’t even know she knew about the hearing. He swallowed, looking at Joe who had spoken.

“Lieutenant Kimber sent me an email last night and asked that I bring it to the board,” Joe said. “For the record, I will read it aloud.” Joe cleared his throat.

“I was made aware today that Lieutenant Commander Dawson is facing the review board for his part in the mission to rescue me and his violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice by disobeying an order to stand down.

I am not writing to defend his actions or make excuses on his behalf, but I do want to thank the Navy, Commander Dawson, and all of Alpha team for saving my life. Let me be clear that Alpha team did save my life. My mental and physical state had severely deteriorated, and I had given up all hope of being rescued. Just a couple of hours before Alpha team arrived, Reyes Lazir had made it very clear that my time had run out. He was getting ready to kill me. I have no doubt it would have been a live beheading. Alpha team saved me from that brutal end. I understand another team was on route but were not as close as Alpha team. I am sure this other team would have also found me and brought me home. The difference is there would have been a very real chance they would have brought me home in a box.

We have a code of conduct for a reason, rules to ensure the safety of everyone. Respectfully, sometimes we need to look at the bigger picture and accept that some situations are not always black and white.

Since being rescued, the Navy has been overwhelmingly supportive. I have been provided with the best medical care, for both my physical and mental trauma. I have received messages of support, have been given all the time I need to recover. In short, I am extremely grateful to the Navy and feel blessed to be a part of this community, this family, at this time. I am being provided with everything I need for my recovery. A recovery that would not be happening if not for Lieutenant Commander Dawson and Alpha team’s timely action.”

The room was silent, and Dex struggled to keep his composure. He didn’t care she was trying to save his ass. He was focused on the fact she cared enough to write it at all. That had to mean something, didn't it? His heart was pounding so hard, he was surprised the board couldn’t hear it. Taking a deep breath, he waited as the board members conferred. After a few minutes, the captain looked up.

“Alright, Commander, that brings this hearing to a close. The board will take some time to review and determine next steps. We will reconvene at 1100 tomorrow. In the meantime, your no-contact order stands.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.” Dex saluted, turned, and left the room finding his Pops waiting outside.


Dex gave him the rundown. “Now, I wait.”

“That was very brave of Kelly.”

“I know. I really want to see her.”

“Doctor Summers told you to stay away.”

“Yes, but that was before this.” Dex waved his hand gesturing at the hearing room.

“Dexter, listen to me on this one. Don’t. It sounds like the hearing went well today. A lot of people spoke for you. Don’t risk trying to talk to Kelly. If it doesn’t work out and it gets back to the board, you could ruin things for yourself.”

Dex looked at his dad. Yeah, he was telling him to stick to the rules and this time he was right.

“You’re right.” Dex managed a smile. “This time.”

“I’m proud of you, son.”

“For agreeing with you?”

“For the way you’re handling this. Whether I agree with what you did or not, you’re holding your head up high and owning it without any excuses.”

Dex didn’t know what to say to that, so he changed the subject. “Any idea who this mystery commander is?”

“No. But to give a statement for someone he doesn’t know is pretty impressive.”