Page 29 of No Regrets

“I just finished up with Claire. It was a rough one, but I’m OK.”

“I’m sorry. But you know whatever you discussed is better out than in. Talking about some stuff might be hard, but it’s better than bottling it up.”

“Yeah, I know. And Claire’s great,” Kelly reassured her. She meant it. Claire was great. She couldn’t imagine talking to anyone else the way she spoke to Claire.

“I hate to do this to you, but I need to push our lunch tomorrow. Can we do dinner instead?”

They had planned to go to a local, small restaurant. It would be the first time for Kelly getting out into an environment with other people and she felt comfortable doing it with Sophie.

“Of course. Do you have to work?”

There was a pause before Sophie answered, “Sort of. I can’t get out of it though.”

“Well, that’s cryptic. We can do another day if you prefer.”

“No, you wanted to take this step and we are not putting it off. I’m not sure how long I will be, so why don’t I call you when I’m done?”

Something about Sophie’s tone rattled her. “Are you alright, Sophie? Has something happened?”

“No, nothing like that.” Sophie sighed. “I’ve been called as a witness in a hearing on base. Nothing for you to worry about. I shouldn’t be there too long, so as soon as I’m done, I’ll call you. Now, I do have to get back to work. Talk tomorrow.”

“Look forward to it.”

Ending the call, Kelly stared at the phone, an uneasy feeling settling in her stomach.

SOPHIE WALKED ALONG the corridor to the hearing room. This was not the first time she’d been asked to speak about a patient at a hearing, but this one felt overly personal. When she had received the call yesterday requesting her attendance, she’d been shocked to discover the hearing was for Dexter Dawson. They had not provided any specifics other than the hearing was to review the actions by Dex that led to Kelly’s rescue.

She turned the corner and bumped into six-foot of muscle.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” She blurted as strong arms steadied her.

“Doctor Summers?”

Sophie looked into the beautiful steel-gray eyes of Ryan Baxter.

“Mr. Baxter. I’m sorry, my mind was elsewhere.” She pulled her eyes away from his nervously and stepped back as he released her arms. God damn it, why was she nervous? Perhaps because Ryan Baxter is tall, blonde, fit and very, very hot.

Oh yeah, she’d noticed him, plenty of times. Westside was filled with perfectly toned muscle. As a doctor, and a professional, generally she barely noticed. Ryan Baxter, she noticed. The man radiated confidence and oozed sex appeal. She pictured his broad shoulders and those muscular tattooed arms. She didn’t even like tattoos, yet she dreamed of his tattooed arms holding her and squeezing her tight against his rock-hard body. Even on the night they’d brought Kelly in, the team were exhausted and worried, yet he’d still looked ridiculously hot and mouth-watering sexy.

She shook her head. Get a grip, woman. He was talking.

“No damage done and serves me right for being engrossed in my phone. What are you doing here?”

“I, er, um...” Seriously, Sophie, pull yourself together! “I’ve been asked to speak at a hearing.”

Ryan arched an eyebrow. “Dex?”

Sophie nodded. “Are you here for the same?”

“Yes. The whole team gave statements, but me and Tyler were asked to attend. I already spoke. Tyler’s still in there.”

“What happened when your team rescued her? I had no idea Dex was in trouble.”

Ryan glanced at the door where the hearing was taking place.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Baxter, you don’t need to answer that. You’re probably not meant to anyway. I was just...” Her voice trailed off when those gorgeous eyes met hers again. Her body responded, nipples hardening against her blouse. OK, this is ridiculous. She cleared her throat.

“How many times do I have to tell you to call me Ryan.” He smiled making her knees weak.