Dex stepped forward and gave his old man a hug. It was so good to see him. “Welcome home.”
SITTING ON THE BACK deck eating takeout, Matthew Dawson watched his son. Dark circles under his eyes, body tense. This whole situation was taking a clear toll on him. It had been the right decision to come home.
They kept the conversation light as they ate, the father-son bond still felt unbelievably strong. They had always been close, even with him deployed and away for weeks at a time through Dex’s childhood. After his wife died, their relationship had strengthened further. They might often be in different countries, different time zones, but they talked regularly.
“So, Kelly still won’t see you?”
“Not just me. She won’t see anyone.”
“Perhaps I should try.”
Dex shrugged. “You can. I don’t hold out much hope. She wouldn’t see Ryan either and she thinks of him as her brother.”
“I’m not a part of your team and I’m more of a father figure. I’ll try tomorrow.”
“I’m thinking about calling her.” Dex tapped his fingers on the chair. “If I can’t see her, maybe I can talk to her.”
“No guarantee she will answer.”
“Then I keep trying. I have to do something. It’s been over a week!” He slammed his hand down on the chair, his frustration clear.
“Just give her time.”
“Jesus Christ, if one more person tells me to give her time...” Matt raised his eyebrows at his son’s tone. “I’m sorry. It’s just...”
Matt interrupted him. “Listen, I'm sure you’ve heard this already too, but this is about Kelly. However much you’re hurting, you can bet she’s hurting more right now.”
“That's why it’s so hard.” His voice caught on the words. “All the shit we’ve been through growing up, we always had each other’s back.”
“I know and she knows it too. She’ll come around.”
Dex didn’t respond.
“So, the review hearing. When is it?”
“Not got a date yet.”
“They don’t usually wait around on these things.”
Dex shrugged. “They’ve been doing debriefs with everyone. I’m sure it will happen soon. It’s not like I can deny it. I did this.”
“Yes, you did.”
“I love you, Pops, but I don’t need a lecture on my behavior right now.”
“No lecture. But why did you do it? I understand a team were just hours away.” Matt loved his son, but this wasn't the first time Dex had disobeyed an order or bent the rules. He did not get that trait from him.
“We were the closest team. She’d been there four days. Hours mattered.”
“Did they?”
“Yes, they did!” Dex jumped out of his chair, pacing the deck. “It was Kelly. She was raped, tortured. Who knows what else those bastards would have done to her in those extra time it would have taken the black ops team to get there. I couldn’t let her suffer any longer than necessary.”
Though Matt started to speak, Dex cut him off.
“Pops let’s agree to disagree like we always do. My service record is not perfect like yours, and it never will be. But I do not regret what I did. If I saved her from even a few minutes more of torture, or worse, a live execution, it was worth it.” Dex sighed and started clearing away the takeout cartons.
“Rules and orders are there to protect you and your team. But you are a grown man who makes his own decisions, and you have no choice but to accept the consequences. And regardless of my beliefs, you are my son, and I will always be here for you. No matter what happens.”