Page 15 of No Regrets

“How’s Kelly?” Matt Dawson’s deep no-nonsense voice boomed in his ear.

“How the hell do you know about that?”

“Really? I might be old, but my eyes and ears are still functioning.”

Dex mentally rolled his eyes “She’s at the hospital. I’m just heading there now.”

“But how is she really?”

Letting out a sigh he sat down on his front step. “I don’t know. She hasn’t spoken. When I found her, she didn’t even recognize me.”

“I’m sorry, son. I know how hard this must be on you.”

“The thought of what she suffered... I can’t.” Tears stung his eyes. The last couple of days finally catching up to him, reality hit hard like a slap in the face.

“She’s trained for this, Dex. Yes, it’s going to be tough, but she’s got you, and that girl is strong.”

“I’m not so sure. What if she was...” Fuck, he couldn’t bring himself to say it. “There’s no training for that.”

His dad stayed silent.

“How do I help her through it?”

“I’m going to come home.”

“There’s no need. I can handle it.”

“I know you can. But I love that girl too.”

“Pops, it’s fine. I’m OK. Stay there. I’ll keep you posted.” Dex closed his eyes. “I take it you heard what happened?” he asked quietly.

“You taking it upon yourself to go and get her? Yes, I heard.”

This time Dex stayed silent, feeling ten years old again and being caught with his hand in the cookie jar. His father had never had an NJP during his entire career, something he often reminded Dex of.

“What did Joe say?”

“It’s out of his hands. A review board will decide.”

After a long pause, Dex’s father spoke again.

“We can talk about it when I get home. I have to go but give Kelly my love.”

The call ended and Dex hung his head. They’d had heated discussions about Dex’s misconduct before. It didn’t matter how justified Dex believed his actions were, his father would not accept there was ever a good enough reason. They agreed to disagree, but Pops still managed to make him feel two feet tall at times.

Climbing into his truck, he started out toward Westside. His cell rang again. Ryan.

“Dex, where are you? I tried to see Kelly, but they won’t let me in. I thought you’d be here.”

“On my way to see her. Maybe they’re restricting visitors. I’m sure Sophie will let me in. You spoke to Joe yet?”

“I’m with the team now, waiting to see him. How did it go with you?”

Dex gripped the wheel. “Not good. Look, I’m on a no-contact order with you and the team.”

“What the fuck?”

“I can’t discuss it, Ryan. Joe will bring you guys up to speed.”