Page 13 of No Regrets

Joe arched his eyebrows. Shit, that was no way to talk to his commanding officer.

“Sorry. Look I know I overstepped but we didn’t go in blind. We did our research, we gathered the intel, we planned. I would not have led the team in there if I didn’t think we could do it.”

“And if the black ops team had not got there when they did, how were you planning to get out of there?”

“We had a helo out. It hadn’t arrived yet.”

“It wasn't going to arrive. It was ordered back.”

Dex swallowed. OK, they would have been in trouble if the black ops boys hadn’t been there.

“A military helicopter doesn’t go for a joy ride without someone noticing,” Joe continued. “Your whole team could have been captured or killed. Which was exactly what we were trying to avoid.”

“So was I. We both know that information was leaked, or false intel passed along that led Bravo team to their death. Whoever did that is still out there. It could be anyone, possibly someone inside the Navy. Alpha going in like we did, not telling anyone, kept us safe. If they didn't know we were coming, they couldn’t plan for it. We took them by surprise and that’s how we succeeded.”

Joe looked at him, leaning forward on his desk, his hands steepled in front of him.

“You can say all that in your defense. Dex, this could be bad for you. Despite you bringing Kelly home.” He exhaled. “Everyone admires what you did, but the bottom line is you put your whole team at risk. Another team was already in play. It was not your call to make. Not this time. Not to mention, Lazir’s an HVT, full of intel, and now he’s dead or gone back underground.”

“If I had the chance to get him alive, trust me I would have. If they want me to go track him down, put me on a plane. I’ll happily go get him and Bravo.”

“You and I both know that won’t be happening.”

Yeah, he did know. He wasn’t going to be allowed anywhere for a while.

“I guess I’m benched until the hearing.”

Joe nodded. “Standard protocol. You're all due down time, but given the circumstances the team will be debriefed and then get 72 hours. They will then be assigned training duties and Physical Training. You are suspended until the review is concluded. However long that takes. No contact with the team. You know the rules.” Joe rose from his chair, ending the discussion.

“The team are clear, right? They were just following my orders.”

“That will be decided by the board. You can speak for them at the hearing.”

Fuck, this time he’d landed his team in shit too.

“Copy that.” Dex stood, walking towards the door.

Joe’s next words caught Dex with his hand on the knob. “How’s Kelly?”

He paused before answering. “It was bad, Joe. One of the worst things I've seen in my career. She’s got a long road ahead.”

“If anyone can come back from this, she can. She lasted four days. More than some men would have. That’s impressive.”

Dex hesitated, contemplating his next words. What the hell. They wouldn’t make things worse than they already were.

“I don’t regret what I did, Joe. Whatever happens. I understand there are consequences to my actions, but we were the closest team, and I couldn’t let her be there a moment longer than was absolutely necessary. I’ll respect whatever punishment the Navy decides because it was worth it. Kelly’s alive and home.”

Joe nodded but didn't respond and Dex left the office with a sense of foreboding. He had no doubt Joe had his back. It was one of the reasons he had not been busted down a rank or out of the team following some of his previous transgressions. But he had disobeyed a direct order, and there was only so much his CO could do. He had a fight ahead of him, and this time it wasn't on the battlefield with his team.

KELLY TRIED TO OPEN her eyes but had to squint against the bright lights. Hospital lights? She vaguely remembered being on a plane...voices...Dex’s voice? Or was it all just a dream? She closed her eyes again, too afraid to open them fully for fear her imagination was playing tricks on her.

“Lieutenant Kimber?”

The soft female voice was familiar.

“Lieutenant, it’s Doctor Sophie Summers.”

Sophie? If it was Sophie, that meant she was home. Back in Coronado. Was it over? Tentatively she raised her eyelids. She squinted again. The lights were so damn bright.