Page 124 of No Regrets

“Are you sure you’re alright? I mean, well, you know. It’s the first time...”

She placed a finger over his lips. “It was beautiful. I’m not going to lie to you. There were a couple of moments, but all I had to do was open my eyes and look at you and it passed.”

Yes, Lazir had crept into her thoughts, but this time she’d been determined to push through it. Keeping her eyes open, seeing it was Dex with her, she erased the image of Lazir and now it felt great. The fucker hadn’t won, and he wasn’t going to.

Dex smoothed her hair off her face. “Thank you for trusting me.”

“You’re the only person I trust. Always,” she whispered. Damn she was lucky to have him. “But how are you feeling?”

He sighed. “Like I don’t want to think about it. Face it, Pops is dead because of me.” His voice was strained.

“No, Dex. He’s dead because of Saleem. You were doing your job and Matt was so proud of everything you’ve done. This wouldn’t change that.”

Before Dex could respond, his phone pinged. He reached for it and his face tensed as he read the text.

“What is it? Have they found him?” Kelly sat up.

He showed her the text.

Sam: Got an update, head back in.

“We should go.” he said, climbing out of bed.

OUTSIDE, DEX ACKNOWLEDGED the agents on the street as he pulled out of the driveway. They pulled out behind him, escorting them. He didn’t mind, knowing Sam had his and Kelly’s safety as a priority.

It was early evening; traffic was light as they made their way across town. Café and restaurant patios were full, everyone enjoying the late sunshine. Dex reached across the center console and took Kelly’s hand, bringing it to his lips. She smiled.

“When this is done, I’m taking you away for a few days.”

“I’d like that.”

A white van he only just caught in his peripheral slammed into the back of Dex’s truck, forcing it into a spin. Cursing, Dex let go of Kelly’s hand, fighting to control it.


A split second before it hit their front end, Dex saw the second van. The force of the impact deployed the airbags and pushed them both back hard in their seats. The doors of the truck flew open. Dex felt a sharp prick at his neck. He lashed out with his foot and heard a grunt, but he couldn’t see, his vision blurring. Kelly. Where was Kelly?

He opened his mouth to call out to her, but nothing came out. Fuck no! He mustn't let them take her. Not again. He had to fight, had to get to her. His eyelids drooped, and he couldn’t stop them from closing. The last thing he saw was a blackness – a hood - dropping over his head. The last thing he heard was Kelly’s scream.


“What do you mean they’ve been taken?” Ryan tensed, every muscle locked in shock.

Sam relayed the eyewitness statement of what happened.

Ryan sat and leaned forward, putting his head in his hands. How the fuck had this happened right under their noses?

“Did the witness get a make and model? Plates?” Mackie asked, breaking the silence.

“Yes, both vans were found a half mile from the scene, burned out, plates removed. No bodies inside. Forensics are on it. We’re scanning camera footage in the area now, see if we can pick up the secondary vehicle.”

“And we’re convinced this is Saleem?”

“Eyewitness supplied a sketch of one of the drivers. FBI showed the picture to the roommate, and he recognized him from the mosque, said he and Rashid were close. This has to be Saleem.”

“Why take them, he could have just killed them?” Tyler asked.

“He wants Dex to suffer. The threats, his dad, now Kelly.” Ryan raised his head. Americans killed his parents, sister. We took Kelly back from Lazir, and then we captured his brother. He’s got one big fucking axe to grind.”