What happened to Rashid was disappointing, but he had plenty more just like him. Willing to give their lives for the greater good. Amir had sent his family away on a trip and then drove South towards San Diego. He had fifteen cell members across the city, all willing to do whatever was asked of them. The attacks had been meticulously planned and would be ready to execute in a few short weeks.
But first he had some unfinished business to take care of. It wouldn’t be long now, and he would get the revenge he craved for his captured brother, Ahmed. It was a sign from Allah that both Dexter Dawson and Kelly Kimber were both in San Diego, just a short drive away. He couldn’t have asked for more.
“Dex, we need to talk.” Sam said as Kelly sat, still trying to absorb what they discovered. “I gathered as you cut short our evaluations. What is it?”
Kelly bit her lip as Dex glanced at her.
“What the fuck happened?” He growled, looking between them.
“Maybe we should go somewhere private.”
“We don’t need to, just fucking tell me, Sam.”
Kelly held her breath, waiting for the bomb to drop.
“Mira recovered some photographs off the laptop. Everyone on your team, Kelly, and your father.”
“OK. And?” Kelly heard the impatience in Dex’s voice.
“Kelly was monitoring the dark net and found some chatter that referenced LAX and the conference center the day before your father’s accident.” Sam paused. Kelly saw Dex making the connection. “Two agents paid Ramadas a visit in prison. Initially he stuck to his story of an accident. He cracked under pressure and admitted he’d been sent to do it by Saleem. For the new dawning of Allah.”
“Have you worked out who I am, what I’ve done yet?” Dex recited the threat in barely a whisper. He stepped back, hands on his head. “Saleem had my father killed?” Disbelief filled his voice.
Dex was shaking his head, clearly not wanting to believe it. The rest of the team stood in shock.
“I’m so sorry, Dex.” Kelly reached for him, but he pulled away, reeling.
“My father had nothing to do with any of this. Jesus, what I did had him killed. Who is behind this, the brothers or Lazir? Who ordered it?” Dex demanded.
“We don’t know,” Sam said honestly.
Kelly watched as Dex tried to process the news. He wore the same look of horror she’d felt when she’d put the pieces together. His hands were clenched into tight fists as he paced.
“This can’t be fucking happening.” His words caught on a sob.
She walked towards him, his distress tearing her apart. He stopped pacing to look at her. “He didn’t deserve this, to die that way. Christ, it was bad enough when I thought it was an accident, but to know it’s because of me. Fuck no.”
Saying nothing, she wrapped her arms around him, and he clung to her. Nothing she could say would ease this pain or make him feel better. The truth of how Matt had died was too raw, too senseless. She moved a hand to the back of Dex’s head as he buried his face in her neck, seeking comfort, and she would give that to him for as long as he needed it.
“We’ll give you guys some space,” Ryan said, squeezing Dex’s shoulder. The rest of the team filed out.
“I’m so sorry, Dex,” She whispered, barely recognizing her own voice.
Minutes passed. God, she’d do anything to ease this for him, to take away his suffering.
“I can’t believe it. It’s like losing him all over again,” he muttered. “If I hadn't taken this job, this wouldn’t have happened. I feel so fucking responsible.”
She grabbed his face, forcing him to face her.
“You don’t know that. You can play the what if game over and over, but you did not kill him, do you hear me? This isn't your fault. And I swear to God, your father is looking down at you now, telling you to get your shit together, stop the pity party, and go do what you do best, and take this son of a bitch down.”
That got her a small smile. He rested his forehead against hers and sighed. “Lazir could be behind all of this. Saleem could be acting on his orders. It’s a small world.”
“I know. Sam had his FBI buddy put a couple of agents on the street outside your house and mine just to be safe,” Kelly said.