Sam smiled. “I have no doubt there will be more conversations. Maybe this is payback. I used to give my CO hell. Perhaps this is karma.”
Dex stood. “If that’s the case, then I’m sure going to have a shit load of karma coming my way in a couple of years.”
Kelly was chatting with the team when Sam and Dex rejoined them. Their eyes met for a brief second before Sam got everyone’s attention to bring them up to date.
“So, what happens now?” Ryan asked.
“We keep digging. In the meantime, you should all be watching your six.” Sam looked around at the team before his eyes rested on Kelly.
“And you are not staying home alone. One of us will be with you.”
“Sam, I—” Kelly started.
“She’ll stay with me.” Dex’s voice like steel. Looking directly at Kelly, he prayed she wouldn’t challenge him on it. He trusted his team, but there was no fucking way anyone but him was going to watch out for her. Yeah, she was annoyed he hadn't told her about the threats. He didn’t care. Her safety was his responsibility. No one else's. She stared back at him but didn’t respond.
“Kelly?” Sam asked.
“Fine,” she muttered.
Great, she sounded really pleased about it.
“OK, I’m ordering you home to get some sleep, all of you. You’re running on empty. We can meet back here tomorrow at 0800 and do the debrief. Hopefully Taylor will be out of surgery and Nyx can be here too.”
For once, the team didn’t argue. They were beyond tired.
Dex looked at Kelly. “You ready to go?”
“Sure.” She didn’t look sure.
He sighed. “Kelly, if you’d rather stay with Ryan, I’ll understand.” Maybe it was too much for her to be with him in his house overnight. Not that he was expecting them to share a bed or anything.
She shook her head. “No, it’s fine.”
Fine. What was it his mom had always said fine stood for? Feelings Inside Not Expressed. Yeah, guess they were both fine then.
Kelly closed her eyes in the truck and neither of them spoke on the way to his house. Turning onto their street, he broke the silence.
“Do you need anything from your place?”
“No. I’m good for now, thanks. And I have some stuff at your place.”
He glanced over at her. “Yeah, you do.” He continued past her house and parked in his driveway.
“Wait here.” He got out without waiting for a response. First, he scanned the outside of the house, and then he went inside to do the same. Moments later, he motioned for Kelly to come in.
“Do you want me to make you a drink or anything?”
“No, thanks. I’m beat. I just want to crawl into bed.”
“OK. Go on up. If you need anything, let me know. Are you sure you’re OK?” Of course, she wasn't. She’d gotten a goddamn threat. “I’m sorry you got caught in this. You know I won’t let anything happen to you, right?” He hated that again things were awkward between them.
She nodded. “I know. Couldn’t ask for better protection.”
That was something at least. He stuffed his hands in his pockets.
“Look, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I didn’t want you involved in any of this. You have enough going on.”
“You said.” She turned, walking towards the stairs, but at the bottom, she stopped and looked back.