Page 104 of No Regrets


“Captain, it’s Kelly. Lieutenant Kimber.” Her voice faltered; Sam must have heard it.

“What’s wrong?”

“I got an envelope.”

Sam cursed at the other end of the phone. “At your house?”

“On my porch. I don’t know when it was left, I mean, I was working, I slept a little... It could have been anytime... Shit... someone was here, watching.” OK she was losing it but, fuck, the thought of a man watching her, being at her house after everything she’d been through. What if they took her...

“Lieutenant. It’ll be OK. I’ll come...”

“He knows who I am, sir. Knows my name.” Yeah, she was panicked. Her worst fears, her nightmares coming to life.

“Lieutenant. Listen to me. It’s a pattern. He’s done what he wanted to do, leave the envelope. If he wanted to do anything else, he would have done it.” Sam’s calm voice reassured her a little but did nothing to stop her shaking hands.

“What did it say exactly?”

“Lieutenant Kimber what a lovely surprise. It’s a small world.” Saying the words aloud made it even more real. Sam’s sharp intake of breath at the other end of the line, echoed in her ear.

“Sit tight. I’ll be right there. Don’t answer the door or leave the house. You still have your gun?”


“Good. I’ll be thirty minutes.”

Kelly put down the phone and retrieved her gun from the drawer. Sam was right. There was no reason to think there was any more danger right now. He’d left the envelope, just like at Dex’s house. That had been the goal. Sam was on the way, and she knew how to use a gun. Nothing was going to happen. Thirty minutes later a black Cadillac SUV pulled into her driveway, and she let out a sigh of relief. Through the window, she watched Sam come up onto the porch and she opened the door.

“Thank you for coming sir.” She stepped aside to let him in.

“Are you alright?” His voice sounded full of genuine concern.

“Yeah. I’m sorry, it shook me a little.”

“No need to apologize.”

“I don’t understand what I have to do with this.”

Sam sighed. “Unfortunately, probably nothing other than you know Dex.”

“Dex knows a lot of people.”

“Different type of relationship.” he said softly. “What he wrote: It’s a small world. Seems to say he might have met you before.”

The knot in her stomach tightened. “It doesn’t make sense.” She waved her hands in exasperation. This was affecting her way more than it should.

“We’ll get to the bottom of this. I promise.”

Kelly nodded.

“So, what now? I can’t tell Dex. Not while he’s gone.”

“We’ll update him when he gets back. In the meantime, I want you to come to Onyx HQ. It’s secure. You’ll be safe there with me. I might be a SEAL from the old days, but I think I still got it.” He smiled.

She returned the smile weakly. “Well, I understand you are quite the legend.”

Sam grunted. “Shouldn’t believe all you hear. Let’s get going.”