Page 98 of No Regrets

“What’s on your mind, Dex?”

Dex sat across from Sam in his office. The team were hitting the gym, but he’d ducked out. It had been a week since Kelly had asked him about Lazir. They’d been on three fantastic dates since then and while she hadn’t mentioned Lazir again, he knew it was there in the back of her mind. She would drift off, and he could see it in her eyes. Sometimes fear, sometimes anger. As the days passed, he was getting more and more agitated with the lack of information around that son of a bitch.

“Reyes Lazir.”

“What about him?”

“The fact that he’s still breathing.”

“A team is working on it, I told you. When I have something to share, I will let you know.”

Dex was tired of hearing that. “Sam, we brought in Khalini. Are you saying he hasn’t given up anything?”

“He’s given up some names and locations, but he hasn’t changed his story that Lazir is dead. Claims he was running the show now.” Sam leaned back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest.

“You know something. Tell me,” Dex challenged.

“Sam sighed. “CIA’s man on the ground might have a lead.”


“Yes, might. That’s all you’re getting right now. Like I told you, when there is something solid, I will let you know.”

Dex stood abruptly. “Four months, Sam. Four fucking months and basically, we have nothing. We lost good men, Kelly was tortured, raped, and that fucker is walking around free as a bird. It’s not good enough, Sam. We need to do more.”

His voice had raised progressively during his rant. Probably not a good way to speak to his captain, though Sam hadn't moved from his chair. Raking a hand through his hair, he forced himself to calm down.

“I’m sorry, that was out of line. I’m not angry at you, I’m ...’s taking too long.”

“What’s brought this on? I figured you’d be more concerned about the threats against you right now.”

Dex sat back down. “I am concerned, but I can handle that. The threat is against me, and I'm prepared to deal with shit like that. And the son of a bitch hasn’t made good on any threat yet. It’s probably just some screwed up headcase, getting his kicks.”

“You think Lazir is still a threat to Lieutenant Kimber?” Sam asked.

“That bastard will never get close enough to her to be a threat again. I already promised her that.”

“How is she doing? I heard she’s back at work.”

“She is. And is doing really well, all things considered. But Lazir being free is a problem, and I’m not sure she will ever fully move on until we have him.”

“I understand that, but I can’t make things go any quicker.”

“The crazy thing is, Kelly would be the best person to hunt for him. The woman can find anyone and anything. Not that I’m suggesting we ask her to. If she wanted to look, she would already be doing so. It’s all too raw right now.”

“Yes, I’ve heard how good she is. We will get him, Dex.”

“Then let us go and hunt him down. My team can go to Daram, pick up a trail. We know people there,” Dex said, deadly serious.

When Sam spoke, it was with the no-nonsense, don’t-fuck-with-me tone, Dex had started to get used to.

“Dawson we are not going to Daram without an approved target package. American military are no longer allowed on the ground and you damn well know it. Black ops or not, it’s too dangerous. Don’t get any fucking ideas.” He walked around the desk, reaching for the doorknob. “Now, I have to go and take care of my other team.”

Dex followed him out, knowing when it was time to back down and keep his mouth shut. He had just walked into the gym when his phone went off.

911 war room.

He’d just left Sam. What the hell had happened in under a minute?