“Thank you. My brother and I are honored to serve Reborn.”
Ahmed Khalini and Reyes Lazir were on the USA terrorist list, but he was not. Amir had changed his name from Khalini to Saleem. Records had been doctored to show Amir Khalini died in the same airstrike with his family, and no one had questioned it. So far, he’d stayed off everybody’s radar. Last year, as Lazir’s support and plans gained traction, Saleem came to the US and took charge of building the cell to carry out the attacks they were planning in America. These things took time, but they were patient. It would be worth it when Reborn could take credit for the massacre coming to the US people. It was time for America to pay.
“Your brother will make the ultimate sacrifice if necessary. For that he will be rewarded by Allah. Reborn and the new dawning of Allah will rise, and he will be remembered by us all.”
Amir closed his eyes, trying not to think of what his brother might be enduring or that he would probably never see him again. Ahmed was the only family he had left, but in joining Reborn they had understood that some deaths were worthy and needed for the bigger cause.
“Ahmed will always be loyal to you and Reborn. As am I.”
“I want to know once everything is place, and you have Dexter Dawson.”
“Peace be with you, brother.”
“Peace be with you.”
When Lazir ended the call, Amir smiled. Dexter Dawson was just a small distraction to the main event, but one he would enjoy taking care of, for himself, his brother, and for Lazir. Dexter Dawson would suffer. It was Allah’s will.
KELLY AND CLAIRE SAT on a bench in the shade of a tree. They’d decided to get outside and take in some fresh air for this session. Kelly didn’t need regular scheduled sessions anymore. Instead, she reached out when she felt she needed to talk. She’d come a long way, she knew that, but there were still times when she felt overwhelmed, frightened, or just damn confused.
“Any more panic attacks?” Claire asked.
It had been a week since that night.
“No. A little anxiety, but nothing like that.”
Claire handed her a bottle of a water. “I wish I could tell you there won’t be other triggers. Weird stuff that might set you off. Unfortunately, you will have to deal with them as they happen. As time goes on, as you feel more confident, more secure, the triggers won’t be so frequent. I’m glad you weren’t alone.”
“Yeah, me too. And Dex knew what to do. Recognized what was happening.”
“It sounds like you two have made a lot of progress. Considering it wasn't long ago you were pretty torn up after you saw him with another woman.”
“We have. I was torn up and I think that surprised me. I thought I’d put us behind me. That we really were going to be just friends, neighbors, colleagues.”
“And now?”
“It made me realize my feelings for him are more than just friends. I’ve been trying so hard to deny them, but I can’t.”
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
Kelly drank some water before answering. “I want it to be a good thing, but I’m scared.”
“Scared of what?”
“Of not being good enough for him anymore.”
“Why would you think that? He’s been open and honest about how he feels. He loves you.”
“He can’t go without it forever.”
“You mean sex.”
Kelly nodded, a little embarrassed. Stupid really, considering the intimate things she had already discussed with Claire.
“Has he hinted he wants to move things along?”
“Oh no, nothing like that. And he won’t. He made it clear. Only if and when I am ready.”