“You know this would be way easier if we didn’t need him alive,” Ryan whispered.
“No kidding. On me.”
Bullets shot through the door. Dex cursed and stepped back, pressing flat against the wall same as Ryan.
“He’s armed,” Ryan said.
“You think?” Dex replied sarcastically.
Ryan chuckled and Dex grinned.
Dex pulled a flashbang from his tactical vest. Ryan put his hand on the doorknob, opening it at Dex’s nod. Dex threw the flashbang inside and both men flattened back against the wall as the blast went off. Dex swept through the door, Ryan right behind him. Someone was crouched down on the floor.
“Get up, hands above your head,” Dex shouted. The figure didn’t move, his hands covering his ears. Ryan slung his rifle over his back and hauled the figure to his feet as Dex covered him. The man reached for a knife. Ryan tackled him and the knife dropped to the floor. He held him still while Dex shined a flashlight in the man’s face to make sure.
Dex activated his coms. “Target acquired.”
“Exfil is ready and waiting,” Sam confirmed in his ear.
“Raven five, how we looking?”
“The fire’s getting most of their attention, but some are getting suspicious. Only a matter of time before they realize we’re here,” came Tyler’s voice.
“OK, fall back to rendezvous. We’ll meet you there.”
Ryan zip-tied Khalini’s hands. “His hand’s bleeding. The knife must have caught him,”
“He’ll live,” Dex grunted, taking hold of Khalini and pushing him toward the stairs. Ryan led, clearing the way. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Ryan motioned for Dex to hold while he cleared the best way out. Dex intended to take full advantage of these couple of minutes. He pushed Khalini up against the wall.
“Lazir. Where is he?”
Khalini said nothing.
“Is he here?”
Still nothing.
“Where are the bodies?”
“I know you speak English, you son of a bitch. Where are the bodies? The American team Lazir murdered. The men you led to their death.” They were here somewhere, and fuck if he was going to leave them here. “You know what I’m talking about. What did you do with them?”
Khalini sneered at him with a look of defiance. Tried to spit in his face, but Dex caught him, the butt of his gun slamming into his jaw.
“Don’t fucking push me. Where are they? I know they were burned and buried. Tell me where.”
Khalini stared at him. “It was you, wasn’t it? You came for the woman. If you hadn’t blown the place up, maybe you would have been able to take them home.”
Dex pulled the knife from his vest, pushing it into the already open wound on Khalini’s hand. When Khalini cried out, Dex covered his mouth with his hand to muffle the sound. “Tell me where the fuck they are.” He growled in Khalini’s face.
Oh yeah, now the bastard was scared. “One finger won’t hurt.” He hovered the knife over Khalini’s little finger. No, he wouldn’t do it, that’s not who he was. But he was OK threatening it.
“There’s a way out back, let’s go.” Ryan was back, taking in the scene before him.
“I need a minute.” Dex didn’t look at Ryan, too intent on getting the information. Khalini was sweating.
“We need to move, boss. Now.”