“Sorry. I wasn’t trying to make you feel bad. I just want you to know that he’s not mad at you or upset with you. Dex misses you and when you’re ready, he’ll be there, waiting.”
Kelly sniffed, taking a deep breath trying unsuccessfully to stop the flow of tears.
“Listen, I’m at Dex’s now, with the team. They finally lifted the no-contact order, so we’re having a little celebration.”
“Oh, I didn’t realize. You should go, I don’t want to make it awkward for you.”
“You’re not. I’m alone and if you want to talk more, we can, or I can come over?”
“No. That’s OK. Go be with the team. Thank you, Ryan, for being so.... understanding. I’ve missed you. I miss all of you.” She did. She missed her Navy family. That was progress, wasn’t it?
“We all miss you too, and I’m really glad you called me. You can call or text me anytime, or we can meet. Jeez, I don’t want to get off the phone now.”
Kelly laughed through her tears at that. “Go. Celebrate with the team. You all deserve it.”
“Can I tell them I spoke to you?”
Kelly hesitated. Ryan had been so kind; would they all feel the same? Maybe it would break the ice a little.
“If you’d rather I didn’t, then I won’t,” he added.
“You guys don’t keep secrets. Especially you and Dex. I just don’t want to upset Dex, that’s all. I’m not ready to talk to him yet, and I know that sounds terrible.”
“I think he’ll be happy to hear that you called, that you wanted to know how the hearing went. He’s a big boy, darlin’. He can handle it,” he added with a hint of amusement.
“Alright. I trust you. Please thank them all for me. All of you, for coming to get me, for taking that risk. I’ll never forget it. And tell them I’m sorry. I know you said I’m not blame, but I’m still sorry for all the trouble it caused.”
Kelly sensed Ryan scowling at the other end of the phone.
“You didn’t cause any trouble, but I will pass along your thanks, not that we want it. We were just very grateful to be in the right place at the right time.”
“Me too, Ryan. Me too.”
“THAT WAS A LONG PHONE call, brother. You got some catching up to do.” Dex grinned at Ryan, handing him another beer.
“No worries.” Ryan downed the beer in one go, reaching for another. “I’ll soon catch up.”
“What was so important? Are we keeping you from a date?” Dex winked.
“Nope. You’re my date tonight, bro.” He smiled before turning toward the others. “Hey guys, listen up a minute.”
The team quieted down. Matt too.
“I just got a phone call that I want to share with you all.”
“If you’re getting laid tonight, you really don’t need to announce it,” Donnie mocked. The rest of the team hooted their approval.
“Donnie, if I announced every time I got laid, you’d quickly get tired of hearing my voice.” That was met with more hoots of laughter.
Ryan held up his hands to quiet them again. “Seriously, guys. Kelly called.”
Everyone fell silent, eyes turned to Dex, but he didn't speak.
“She wanted to know the outcome of the hearing and I told her,” Ryan continued.
“How is she?” Matt asked.
“She said she’s getting better each day. She feels bad about not reaching out and clearly feels a little guilty about what happened. The hearing.”