Page 43 of No Regrets

“I’d say giving her the space and time she needs is a good start. Can you get past what happened?”

The question took Dex by surprise. He’d never even considered it being a problem for him.

“Yeah, I think so. I mean I’m angry. I want to find that fucker and make him pay, and I won’t rest until he’s in cuffs or dead. Me and Kelly? I’m beginning to realize things might not be exactly the same, but she’s still the most amazing woman I know. That hasn’t changed.”

“She is amazing, but what know....” Ryan trailed off, but Dex understood what he was getting at; living with the knowledge Lazir had raped her, touched her, and hurt her in ways Dex still didn’t want to think about.

“What kind of man would I be if I let it be a problem? I want to be the one to get her past what happened, to remind her of what it can be like.”

Ryan raised his glass to him. “You’re going to have to be patient, my friend. But I’m here for you guys, you know that. Always.”

They clinked glasses and drank.

“So, desk duty, huh? A month’s not that bad.” Ryan grinned.

“It’ll be the longest month of my life and you know it. Just hope you guys don’t spin up without me because that would be tough.” He turned to face his best friend. “I got to toe the line here on out, Ryan. Just because I kept my rank and the team, they’re not going to forget about it. I cross another line; they made it clear the hammer will drop.”

“Joe will have your back, you know that.”

“It was Joe that gave me the warning. This has put him under the microscope as much as me. He won’t be able to go easy on me.”

“Fuck. OK, then toeing the line it is. I got your six. The whole team has, always.”

Dex turned his gaze toward his team, laughing and joking on his back deck with Pops. He had the best damn team ever. No way he would leave these guys, however tempted he was by Sam’s offer. He grabbed Ryan’s empty glass from him.

“Come on, we’re falling behind,” Dex said.

“Be right behind you. I just need to make a call.”

RYAN WATCHED HIS TEAM leader walk back toward the house. Damn, it was good to be somewhat back to normal, here at Dex’s house, drinking with the guys. Not being able to talk to his brother these past few weeks had been tough. Dex had put on a brave face but after thirteen years, Ryan recognized how hard this had been on him. He and Kelly were Dex’s go-to for support. For the first time neither of them had been able to be there. The man was fierce, but he was still human. Thank God, Matt had come home.

Ryan scrolled through the contacts on his phone until he found the number he was looking for. She answered almost immediately.

“Sophie speaking.”

Her sweet voice made him smile. It had been a while since he’d had to go to Westside for himself, thankfully. When they took Kelly in, he’d seen Sophie briefly, but he’d been too concerned about Kelly, and then Dex being hauled before their CO, to pay much attention. At the hearing, when she’d bumped into him, it had taken a moment to recognize her. She had been wearing a form-fitting dress, with a little jacket and heels. And wow, she looked hot. Very different from the white coat or scrubs he was used to seeing.

“Sophie, it’s Ryan.”

“Ryan. Oh...right....yes, of course. How’s Dex?”

She sounded flustered, which amused him.

“Dex is fine. I promised to let you know the outcome.”

“Yes, thank you. So, he’s not in trouble?”

“It’s not right for me to share the details. That’s up to Dex. But let’s just say it’s a Non-Judicial Punishment. Nothing too serious.”

“NJP, well, I guess that’s good then.”

He heard the relief in her voice.

“Dex said Kelly found out about the hearing.”

Sophie sighed and the noise went straight to his groin. Jesus, what was going on here? He’d known Sophie for years and suddenly his dick was interested? Not happening, Ryan. Sophie was not a one-night stand girl. Fuck, the team would have his balls if he screwed around with her.

“Yes, she worked it out. She was pretty upset. I understand she supplied a statement.”