Page 25 of No Regrets

Like magic, Sophie appeared. “I got this, Kelly. Go inside.” Kelly didn’t argue, heading into the house.

“God dammit, Dex. What part of she’s not ready to see you do you not understand?”

“I’M NOT LEAVING THINGS like this.” Dex stepped around Sophie, but she blocked him.

“Obviously, I can't physically stop you. But if you go in there now, you’ll only make things worse.” He stood over a foot taller than Sophie. He glared down at her, angry and frustrated, setting his mouth in a grim line. Fuck, they couldn’t leave things like this.

More calmly, he said, “I have to talk to her.”

“Dex, nothing's changed since the hospital. She doesn’t want to talk to you right now.”

“For how long? I can’t stand this.”

“For as long as she decides.” Sophie held his gaze, despite him dwarfing her with his size. He stepped back raking his hands over his head.

“OK. I hear you.”

“Good.” Placing a hand on his forearm she squeezed gently. “I know how much you care about her. You have to be patient,” she said more softly.

“She’s been discharged. How will she manage? The ribs, her wrist?”

“She’s mobile enough to get about the house. It’s been three weeks. Everything is healing well. A nurse will be stopping by daily to check on her. If there are any problems or she’s not managing, we’ll re-evaluate.”

“But what about food, shopping, all that shit?”

“I’ve stocked her up and will make sure she has what she needs. There is also online delivery, Dex. She’ll be OK. If I didn’t think she would be, I wouldn’t have discharged her.”

Dex stared up at the house. Knowing she was right there, a few feet away and he couldn’t see her, talk to her, was crushing him.

“She looked so scared, Sophie. I didn’t expect that.”

“She is scared.”

“Of me?” He snapped his eyes back to her, not hiding his shock.

“Of what life is going to be like now.”

Hell, he hadn’t thought about that. This past three weeks all he could think was that if he got to see her, talk to her, everything would be OK. They would work their way back to how things were. But would they?

“Dex, promise me you won’t come back here. Not until she invites you.”

Dex’s body sagged as reality swept through him. Things weren't going to be the same, ever.

He said softly, “I promise. I won’t come back here. I’ll give her all the time she needs.” Slowly he turned and walked away.


Kelly shrugged. “Some nights are worse than others.”

Claire sat at the opposite end of the couch in Kelly's family room.

“And have you been out?”

“A few walks along the beach.”

Going anywhere made her anxious more than she wanted to admit. She had combat training, could defend herself, but when she was alone, strangers made her uneasy.

“That’s good. It’s only been a few weeks. Small steps. One day at a time,” Claire said encouragingly. “Is there anything specific you want to talk about today?”