Page 132 of No Regrets

She giggled. OK, not the response he was expecting.

“What’s funny?” He frowned.

“Sorry, but we’re standing naked in your kitchen, just had sex surrounded by pancakes, orange juice and crispy bacon. Very romantic.”

“Well, at least it will be memorable.” He grinned. “But I was being serious.”

“I know you were.”


Kelly wrapped her arms around his neck, gazing up at him. “Well, it depends.”

“On what?” He couldn’t tell if she was teasing or not.

“If I move in, then the throw cushions have to come with me.”

Dex laughed, hugging her tight. “I can live with that.”

“Mmmm. And you really think you can handle me full time?”

“Oh, baby, you should be more worried about handling me.”

A ringing cell phone interrupted them. Dex tensed. He’d been expecting the call. He grabbed the phone. Sure enough it was Sam.

“I’ll be right back.” He winked as he walked to the other room, pulling on his shorts. Kelly didn’t protest. She understood that he couldn’t share everything about Onyx and was getting used to it.


“It’s done.” Sam got straight to the point.


“Yes, alive. Jackson is bringing him in.”

Dex had wanted to be the one to take the fucker down, but for once he stepped aside, rethinking his priorities. He and Kelly could have died in that warehouse. He had sworn if they got another chance, he would do better, be better for Kelly. Kelly needed him here right now. That was more important. Jackson had led the uninjured Nyx and Ryan had led Raven and together he trusted those guys to get the job done and they had. CIA’s man on the ground had come through with the location and Sam had sent Onyx in before Lazir had a chance to move anywhere.

“Any injuries?”

“Not on our side.”

Dex smiled, surprised at the relief he felt. Justice. For Bravo, for Kelly, for all the innocent people that son of a bitch had killed and had been planning to kill.

“Am I good to tell Kelly?”

He sensed Sam smiling. “Wow, you’re asking permission. This is progress.”

Dex snorted. Yeah, he was learning.

“Yes, of course you can tell her. I’ll let you go do that.”

“Thanks, Sam, for everything.”

“You’re welcome.”