“It looks like she has a couple of broken ribs and possibly the wrist. I’m going to strap the wrist with a splint to be safe. The ribs will have to wait until we get to the hospital.”
“Can you tell if...” Dex looked at Tyler, not able to finish the sentence. The thought of her being violated in that way tore at his heart.
“There’s some blood, but I can’t tell. Best to wait until we land, and she can have a proper examination.”
Tyler finished strapping Kelly’s wrist and then packed up the medic kit. “The meds will make her sleepy.” He draped a blanket over her before walking away and giving them some space.
“Come on, baby. Please talk to me. Let me know you’re still in there.” His voice broke on the last words as he looked at her beaten face.
Her eyelids fluttered and hope surged through him. She opened one eye, the other too swollen, looking directly up at him.
“Dex?” It was barely a whisper, but it was all he needed. Then her eyes closed again.
“Lieutenant Commander?”
Dex looked up to see the co-pilot standing before him holding a satellite phone.
“I’m sorry, sir, but I have Commander Johnson on the line. He insists on speaking to you now.”
Standing, Dex walked forward and took the phone. Closing his eyes, he lifted the phone to his ear. Time to face the music.
It didn’t look good. Standing at attention before his CO, Dex waited for the dressing down that was coming. The proverbial shit was about to hit the fan. Dex had nothing but respect for Joe and they worked well together, despite Dex crossing the line on occasion. This time he’d run headfirst, straight through the damn line, and he had a feeling he might not get off so easy.
“Lieutenant Commander Dawson. While on one hand, I commend you on a mission well executed, it does not change the fact that you defied orders to stand down.”
Commander Joe Johnson then paused, as if contemplating his next words. Finally, he let out an exasperated sigh.
“God dammit, Dawson, do you have any idea the position this puts me in?” Joe stood, hands on hips, glaring at him.
Dex winced. Yeah, he knew. “Yes sir, I do.”
Joe picked up a piece of paper off his desk. “Your coms and equipment will be checked. Will they find them to be faulty?”
Dex stared straight ahead. He couldn’t and wouldn’t lie to his commanding officer. “No sir.”
Joe dropped the paper. “You ignored my order, deliberately cut coms, and then took it upon yourself to lead your team into Daram.”
“Yes sir.”
“Dammit Dex, procedures are in place for a reason.”
Dex kept standing to attention as Joe sat down behind his desk. “For Christ’s sake, at ease. Take a seat.”
Sitting down as ordered, Dex said, “Joe, I’m sorry I’ve put you in this position. But there was no way I was going to just leave her there. You know me better than that.”
“I admire what you did, and you brought Lieutenant Kimber home. For that everyone is grateful. But you put yourself and your team at risk, not to mention disobeying a direct order. Another team was on route just a couple of hours behind you.”
“With all due respect, Joe, Kelly would have been dead by then.” The way he found her still haunted him. Every time he closed his eyes, he recalled the fear on her face. She’d slept the whole flight back and was now at Westside hospital. He desperately wanted to go be with her, but Joe had made it very clear to report to him the moment they landed. It would not have been a good idea to defy him.
“It wasn’t your call to make. You’ve done some shit in the past, but you went too far this time.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means I’m not the one making the call on this one. Everyone involved will be fully debriefed individually. A disciplinary review board will give you the opportunity to defend yourself. After that, they will decide what further action will be taken. You’re an officer that has received non-judicial punishments before, however minor they were. Hopefully they won’t go the court martial route because you did succeed and nobody died, but even with another NJP it could be an official reprimand or loss of rank. You could be off Alpha.”
“Seriously? I brought her home, dammit. Alive!”