Page 117 of No Regrets

He coughed, to cover a chuckle threatening to escape him. Sophie turned back to him.

“So, what brings you both here?”

“I need someone to check on this.” He raised his arm. “Need to make sure everything’s good under there. I think I may have ripped a stitch.”

“Are you hurt too?” she asked Ryan, a touch of concern in her voice.

“No. I just came along for the ride.”

Dex saw the color rise on Sophie’s cheeks again then aimed his focus at Ryan. “For the ride huh.” He was unable to suppress his grin.

Sophie rolled her eyes. “OK, follow me and I’ll take a look at your arm.” She led them towards an empty cubicle. Dex nudged Ryan in the ribs, who mouthed “fuck you” in return, causing Dex to chuckle out loud this time.

“OK, in here, sit down.” She gestured to the bed, looking at them both like two naughty boys in class.

Dex did as he was told. She removed the bandage and inspected his arm. The entire time he smirked at Ryan.

“Who stitched this?” Sophie asked.

“One of your colleagues. It was the same night Logan Taylor came in. How is he doing?”

“Ah yes, I was tied up stabilizing him. That’s why I didn't see you. He’s doing well. Conscious now and distracting my nurses.”

The two men laughed.

“The stitches are fine. You just caught it. I’ll just go and get some antibiotic cream and some clean dressings. Be right back.”

Once they were left alone, Dex openly grinned at Ryan. “So how long has that been going on?”

“Don’t know what you’re talking about.” Ryan feigned innocence.

“There I was, believing you were concerned for me, came along to watch my six, when it’s not my six you want to watch.”

Ryan laughed. “It is a pretty nice six.”

“So, you guys dating or something?”

“Nope. Not yet.”

Before Dex could say more, Sophie returned.

“Not used to having someone else do my stitches, Sophie.” Dex smiled.

“I’d prefer it if no one had to stitch you up. Maybe try and avoid the bullets.”

“Ah, but you’d miss us if we didn’t come to see you,” Ryan said from the doorway he was leaning against.

Sophie looked up at him. “I’d get over it.” Dex laughed as she went back to finishing up his arm.

“There, you’re all set. Try to keep it dry.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Ok, just need to sign out at reception.”

Dex jumped off the bed. “I think I can manage that by myself.” He darted out of the cubicle, leaving the would-be lovebirds to it.

The paperwork took a few minutes, then Dex walked to his truck. Leaning against it, he texted Kelly while he waited for Ryan to do whatever it was, he was doing.