The op Dex was on. She wanted to ask but thought better of it.
“You think these threats are connected to an op he’s done for you, right?”
“I...” He stopped, tapped his ear. “Excuse me.”
He walked away; his face grim. God, she hated being in the dark. In all the times Dex had been away on missions, she’d be concerned but didn’t dwell on it. She was used to seeing the teams go and come back. They were trained for this. This time was different. Perhaps because the horror of losing Bravo team was still so raw alongside her own capture. Clear evidence that none of them were invincible. Or perhaps it was because she loved Dex so damn much. The thought of a life without him in it was unthinkable. Her email bleeped with the message from Mira. Opening it, she scrolled through the pictures of the previous threats.
I know who you are, and I know where to find you.
I’m coming for you; your days are numbered. Start saying your goodbyes.
Have you worked out who I am yet, what I’ve done?
Not long now, paybacks a bitch.
Holy shit! These were so personal. He’d taken the time to choose the words carefully as well as handwrite each one. Just like her note today, the handwriting was beautiful, scripted. This had been going on for weeks and Dex hadn’t said a word. What happened to being honest with each other?
She looked up, relieved to see Sam’s face was calmer now as he walked back in.
“Any first thoughts?” he asked gesturing to the screen showing the threats.
“Very personal. What I don’t understand, Sam, is these ops are meant to be completely off books, even more than regular special ops right?” She stopped speaking. The grim line on Sam’s face said she’d just landed Dex in trouble.
“It’s not hard to work out, Sam."
He gave her a pointed look, raising his eyebrows. She sighed. Can’t take it back now, so might as well press on. “If this is connected to an op he’s done here at Onyx, how would anyone find him? Hell, I didn’t know about you guys, and I work on the same base.”
“Right now, we’re going on the assumption that he may have been recognized on a recent op. Let’s just say some of the places the team have been to the last couple of months, they’ve been to several times before.”
Kelly nodded. It was a possibility. A remote one but not impossible. “No chance you’re going to share the op information with me?”
Sam smiled. “Correct, although perhaps you should ask Dexter. He’s told you everything else.”
She wasn’t quite sure how to take the last remark but was saved as Sam’s cell rang. He began talking as he walked away.
KELLY ZOOMED IN ON the windshield.
“You find something?” Sam asked as he entered the war room. She glanced at the time. It had been several hours.
“Not sure. Maybe. Look.” She’d managed to find an ATM camera down from the coffee shop that had picked up what looked like the same Ford. The image didn’t show the driver clearly, but it could be the same guy.
Sam studied it.
“See that in the corner? Looks like a sticker. It’s too blurred but could be a parking pass or permit,” she added. “Mira is taking a look to see if she can work more magic on it.”
“Good. We could use a break with this.”
Kelly and Sam both looked up at the sound of vehicles outside, the cameras showing two black SUVs pulling up.
Sam looked over at her. “They’re home.”
The team filed in all surprised but happy to see her. Without thinking, she hugged them all. It was still a little uncomfortable, but these guys were all family to her, and it really was great to see them.
Dex trailed in behind them, his left arm bandaged.
“What happened?” Kelly asked, her voice thick with concern.
“What are you doing here?” he replied, ignoring her question.