Page 22 of Bred By the Villain

A server guides us into a massive cabin on the middle deck of a yacht bigger than I’ve ever seen and leaves us. As soon as we step inside a wave of scents hits me and my stomach growls. A feast of oysters, lobster, and caviar is on display on one side all spread out on large pewter platters with servers along the back.

I’m tugging on the restrictive ends of my borrowed dress and then doing the same to help cover my breasts when Serenity clutches my arm and leans in. “If my life were a movie, this is where I would want Ben Affleck to sweep me off my feet and invite me back to his yacht for an all-nighter.”

My brows arch, my desire for food forgotten. “Okay. TMI. I didn’t know you had a thing for him.”

“Mmm… ever since he gained some muscle and grew a beard.”

I touch my bare face and cringe a little when a beautiful woman passes us wearing a painted-on bathing suit and a matching gold mask. Both stark contrasts to my black cocktail dress and brush of mascara. I’m not one for all the glamorous makeup and high maintenance routines but for the first time in my life, I wish I could be more like all these glitzy women draped over expensively dressed men.

“Are you listening to me? I can't believe Simon forgot to mention this is a masquerade party. I feel so out of place.”

Serenity’s head is on a swivel so her words drift in and out overtop of the thumping bass of music piping through the surround sound.

After boarding our mystery host’s elegant yacht, Simon took off with his partner, leaving us to marvel over the stunning ship beneath our feet for the next two hours. Anchored a few hundred yards from the shore, on the port side I can see the exclusive island resort’s lights in the backdrop while from the starboard all the waters of the Atlantic fade into the night.

It’s beautiful. But I’m not sure what I’m doing here anymore. My stomach clenches with unease or just boredom. I can’t tell anymore. Boats really aren’t my thing.

“Maybe we should go?”

“Nonsense! You need to dance and loosen up a little. And drink!” Serenity signals for a man who looks like he belongs in the Hamptons rather than the Florida Keys. “My friend wants to dance with you.”

Of all the insufferable...ugh. This is Karma having a good laugh for me defying my father’s order. I just know it. Thirty minutes of two dances, boring small talk, a cocktail, and asorry you’re just not my typelater I peel away from my dance partner just as Serenity shoves a plate of buttery lobster into my hands.

“So, you hooking up with your new dance partner or what?”

Before I can answer, Simon calls out to us as he moves our way through the swaying crowd of partiers. A white Zorro-style mask drapes over his eyes, but the smile gives his identity away. The second he’s by our side, he loops an arm through Serenity’s. He has changed out of his waiter uniform and into loose-fitting linen pants and a button-down that makes every muscle look divine. And so has his partner who is right behind him, wearing an equally irresistible smile.

Each puts a hand on my friend. “We thought maybe you’d like to dance? Get a few drinks? Maybe see the stars on the top deck? With the two of us.”

“Did you now?” My friend answers, melting into Simon.

My eyes widen. Serenity’s not even trying to object to the open invitation and I have to say, I can’t blame her.

Simon’s partner moves in on Serenity’s other side, removing me and I gladly give her to him.

“Game, baby?” He purrs loud enough for anyone to overhear. I look on as the hunky man plants a fiery kiss on my friend’s lips and if that’s not alet’s fuckinvite, I don’t know what is. And she returns it with equal heat from the looks of it.

“Serenity, will you be okay by yourself?”

“Don’t mind me, party animal. Go forth. Have fun. I’m going to find something else to eat and maybe do a little star gazing myself.” I take a step toward the side doors to my right and spy a free spot by the railing as if to prove a point.

Serenity leans in and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. “I have my phone okay. Call me if anything.”

“Go. I’ll be fine.” I push her into their arms and laugh at the nervous but happy look on her face. For all her brave talk she sure has an array of reds staining her cheeks.

As she walks away, Serenity turns over her shoulder and looks at me with a wicked smile mouthing, “I told you so.”

I smile, waving her off, but now what? I'm standing on the sidelines at a party I don’t fit into and feel like a fifth wheel. Maybe I can find someone to taxi me back to the island. I step through the sliding doors and welcome the ocean breeze on my heated face. I pull my phone out and find the hookup app still open with the last line I punched in.

I throw my gaze around the large cabin again and sigh. Still no mystery man in sight.

“Why the hell not. Nothing to lose.” With only two days before we retreat to the concrete maze of Chicago, I’m growing desperate. I hit submit and quickly thumb through my missed calls only to see about a dozen or so from my father.

Not wanting to stick around, I turn on my heel aiming for the stairs to the lower decks, and run straight into a brick wall.