Page 72 of False Sins

Tanaka glared at them. “Where’s he taking the drive? You guys got another buyer?”

Bridger ignored the stupid question. “Yo, kids,” he murmured into the comlink. “We’re in a world of hurt.”


The agents hadtheir guns trained on Bridger and Jane.

Bridger stared them down. “Why would we set up this meeting if we intended to give the money to someone else?” he asked incredulously.

The men glanced at each other, uncertainty flickering across their faces. Their shoulders sagged just enough to let him know he’d gotten them to think.

He pressed his advantage. “Why would Jane meet with you, and agree to hand over ten million bucks, unless she was innocent?”

Marks lowered his weapon first. “He’s got a point, Dan.”

Tanaka kept his gun aimed steadily at Bridger. “Could be a double bluff. Lure us into complacency.”

Bridger scoffed. “A double bluff? That’s your theory? What are we, twelve? You can’t believe I’m that stupid.”

The agent raised his free hand in a frustrated, helpless gesture. “Maybe this was your plan all along, get Romero to take off with the account info. Then he takes the blame.”

Bridger locked eyes with Tanaka, willing him to back down. “You worked with Garrett Romero. You think he’d allow me to frame him? And even if I did, why would I let him get away with the money? He’s probably transferring the money to his own account right now.” He shook his head. “Where’s the upside to that plan?”

After a long, tense moment, the agent slowly holstered his gun. “Yeah, you’re right,” he conceded, shaking his head. “It doesn’t make sense. You wouldn’t have called this meet if you were dirty. Looks like Garrett put one over on all of us.”

Bridger let out a relieved breath as the agents relaxed their stance. Crisis averted, for now.

Marks yanked the dressing room door open and gestured at his partner. “Let’s get him.” They holstered their weapons and took off.

Bridger tapped his earpiece. “Tai, what’s your status?”

Tai’s voice filtered through, low and steady. “I’m in position on the roof with eyes on all entrances and exits. Drones are prepped for deployment on your signal.”

“Good. Stay sharp.” Bridger motioned Jane to follow him out into the hallway. “Paige, you linked in with security yet?”

“Roger that,” Paige replied briskly. “I’ve got access to the camera feeds throughout the casino and theater. No sign of him so far. I’ll check the feeds from the past few minutes.”

Bridger considered their options. If the two NSA guys were straight arrows, like Romero said, they’d report that Jane was willing to hand over the money. That should go a long way toward clearing her name. But retrieving the looted funds––or proving that the magician had siphoned them into his own account––would be better.

“We’re going after Romero, right?” Tai had obviously come to the same conclusion.

“Copy that,” he responded. As soon as he found a safe place for Jane to wait. “Come on.” He urged her out into the casino.

Pushing through the drunken revelry, Bridger felt hyperaware of his surroundings, and Jane following close on his heels. The cloying smell of perfume, the cacophony of slot machines and live music, it all faded into background noise as he focused like a laser on his goal: the worn bar area in the back corner. The barstools were empty, save for a tired-looking businessman nursing a beer at one end. A duo warbled tired country tunes from the stage behind the bar, satin and rhinestones winking in the overhead lights.


He led Jane to the bar. “We’re going after Romero. I need you to hang here for a few minutes.”

She made a face but finally nodded. “Okay.”

Smart woman. He leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek, inhaling her sweet, clean scent. “Back before you know it.”

With that thumb drive, and Romero in cuffs.

“We need a location on Romero,” he told Tai and Paige. “Like yesterday.”

“I can tell you where he’s not,” Tai responded. “The guy hasn’t hit any of the casino exits. He’s still inside.”