Paige closed her laptop. “Poor thing. Losing a parent so young, it’s devastating.” Her expression was soft, sympathetic.
Jane took a deep breath. “I think the best thing is to get him some professional counseling. Help him work through this trauma in a healthy way.”
“Absolutely,” Paige said immediately. “I can look into child psychologists in the area, see who comes highly recommended.”
Fenn leaned forward, brow furrowed in thought as he squeezed the tennis ball. “What if...what if the kid really believes what he’s saying? That Pete isn’t his father?”
A charged silence fell over the room.
Jane stared at Fenn, her mind spinning with the implications of his words. Could Kellen truly believe that Pete wasn’t his father? If so, what could have possibly led him to that conclusion?
Bridger’s eyebrows knit together in confusion. “But why? What would make him think that?”
Fenn shrugged, tossing the tennis ball from hand to hand. “I don’t know. I could be totally off-base. Maybe something happened between them that we don’t know about.”
Paige chimed in, her voice gentle yet firm. “Sometimes trauma and grief can distort a person’s perception of reality. It might be a coping mechanism for him.”
Silence settled over the room once more as they contemplated the weight of Kellen’s revelation.
Head hanging down, Bridger blew out a long breath. When he looked up again, his gaze was intense. “Wouldn’t hurt to check into this. It wouldn’t be the first time the floor dropped out from under us.”
“Any chanceyou have a copy of Kellen’s birth certificate at home?” Bridger floated the question. He hated asking, especially now, when Jane was so raw and overwhelmed, but now that Fenn brought up the idea, he couldn’t let it go.
She hesitated, brow furrowing. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen it.” Her voice wavered.
“I can try searching for Kellen’s birth records online,” Paige offered, clicking her pen nervously. “Where was he born?”
“Los Angeles, or at least that’s what Pete told me.” Doubt clouded Jane’s voice. “The birth mother’s name was Claudia. Can’t remember her last name.” She sighed. “Or if that birthdate’s even right.”
Jane stared down at her hands, embarrassment reddening her cheeks. “I can’t believe I don’t know this stuff. I just trusted Pete...”
Bridger’s jaw tightened. If the jerk wasn’t already dead, he’d kill the guy himself for hurting Jane so badly. For making this strong, smart woman doubt herself.
“That’s enough to start searching,” Paige said gently, turning to her computer. The rhythmic tapping of keys filled the tense room as she began hunting for answers.
The others gathered around her, waiting anxiously for any new information.
Suddenly Paige sat back, eyes widening. “Got something. A Claudia Benson, listed as Kellen’s birth mother. No father mentioned.” She angled the screen so the others could see. “The name, birthdate, everything matches what Jane gave me.”
“Interesting she didn’t go by Sanderson,” Tai commented.
Jane studied the screen. “I’m not even sure if she and Pete were ever actually married. I just assumed...” Her voice trailed off.
Paige clicked through to another document. “Looks like there’s a death certificate for Claudia from three years after Kellen’s birth. Cause of death listed as drug overdose.” She looked at Jane. “Lines up with the story Pete told you about how their relationship ended.”
Jane squinted at the screen, as if mesmerized. “Why would Pete lie about being Kellen’s father if he wasn’t?”
Given her ex’s sketchy morals, Bridger could think of a whole handful of reasons. “Maybe he wasn’t lying outright,” he suggested, careful not to sound too judgmental. Bashing a dead guy wouldn’t make Jane feel any better. “He could have been trying to avoid attention from the authorities,” he guessed. “Pete likely had shady dealings even back then. Maybe he was afraid his name might pop up on law enforcement databases if he put it on his son’s birth certificate.”
“Coward,” Fenn muttered.
Mason looked ready to spit. “Copy that.”
Tai chimed in with a different perspective. “At least you won’t have to fight someone else for custody.”
Jane managed a small smile, gratitude in her eyes. “Is it possible Pete actually did me a favor?”