Page 66 of False Sins

“Copy that,” Kate answered, a rare smile gracing her face.

“Found family,” Jane whispered, her gaze on Bridger.

He looked away.

The woman gave a new definition to the meaning of bravery. He only hoped he had the skills to deliver the happy ending she so deeply deserved.


Jane woke with a start,heart pounding. Morning light filtered through the curtains as the previous day’s events crashed over her. Pete was dead. She had to tell Kellen.

Her breath caught. How could she break such news to a child?

She clasped her hands, bowing her head. “Lord, give me strength for this. Guide my words. Help me do right by this boy.”

She breathed deep, calming herself with the knowledge that she wasn’t alone in this. The Lord would provide. Somehow, He would guide her words.

Rising, she dressed quickly then paused in the hallway, staring at Kellen’s closed door, knowing she was about to upend his world.

She entered the room quietly. He blinked at her and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, dark curls splayed over the pillow. Then he smiled. The sweet, innocent expression hit her straight in the chest.

He rubbed his flat tummy. “I’m starving. Can we have pancakes for breakfast? Tai says breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but Fenn thinks dessert is.”

Her heart ached for the innocence about to be lost.

Perching on the bed, she touched his shoulder. “Before pancakes, there’s something I have to tell you.”

He regarded her with clear gray eyes.

She swallowed past the lump in her throat. “It’s something super serious.”

He sat up, face pinching in concern. “What’s wrong?”

Jane took his hand. “I’m so sorry, but something terrible happened yesterday. Your dad died.” The words felt like broken glass in her mouth.

“What?” Kellen’s brow furrowed. “No, he didn’t.”

Jane squeezed his hand. “I know it’s hard to believe––”

Anger flashed in those stormy eyes. “I believe you that Pete’s d-dead, but he’s not my dad.”

Jane rocked back slightly, surprised by the force of Kellen’s words.

“What do you mean? Of course he’s––”

Kellen wrenched his hand away, face flushed. “I don’t care what you say. You don’t know. He’s not my dad!”

Before Jane could respond, a light tap sounded on the door. She turned to see Bridger in the doorway. His eyes met hers, filled with understanding.

“Everything okay in here?” His tone was gentle.

Jane nodded, throat tightening. She hadn’t realized how hard this would be. Kellen’s strange reaction only highlighted how completely out of her depth she was.

Bridger entered the room and crouched by the side of the bed. “Hey buddy, mind if I talk to Jane for a minute?”

Kellen shrugged, gaze fixed on the floor.

They stepped into the hall, Bridger closing the door behind them.