“There were a few people from LA he was close to when we were married,” Jane mused. “But I wouldn’t know if they’re still in contact.”
“Any lead is worth following up on,” Pegasus assured her.
Bridger shifted his weight in the chair. “We know Pete’s desperate, but who’s he running from, and why?”
Pegasus chewed thoughtfully. “What kind of man is he?”
“He’s greedy,” Jane pointed out. “And over-confident.”
Bridger reached for her hand, massaging her cold fingers. “And vengeful.”
“Nice combo,” Pegs noted. She leaned back in her seat. “This shouldn’t be too hard. Over-confident usually means stupid.”
“Compared to the jokers we’ve gone up against, Pete doesn’t stand a chance,” he added. “It’s just a question of running him to ground.”
“Once you turn him over to the guys in the suits, Jane’ll be in the clear,” Pegs pointed out.
Bridger wished he could claw back the words. He agreed. Vehemently. But Jane had a soft heart. She’d––
“Copy that,” she said, shocking him. “Kellen is my only concern. Pete’s made his choices. His future is between him and the Lord.”
Pegs beamed at Jane and pushed back her chair, rising to her feet. “I like this one, B-man. I believe I do.”
Jane looked between the two of them, confused.
He ignored the way his heart thumped at his mentor’s implication. He only wished.
Pegasus moved toward the kitchen. “Nothing more we can do tonight. I’ll make some tea.” She tipped her head toward Jane. “Spare room upstairs is all ready for you.”
Then she pointed at the couch in the living room then eyed Bridger. “You can bunk there.”
He faked a groan. He’d slept in plenty of worse places, but he couldn’t resist tugging Pegs’ chain. “I’m the wounded one here.”
Peg continued into the kitchen. “You’re the one who chose to stand in front of a loaded gun.”
Point taken.
And every bit worth being the butt of the joke if it made Jane smile. She was still grinning as she headed up the stairs.
By the time Bridger wrangled the blankets around with one hand, Pegs returned with his tea.
“She’s a lot like him,” she said, eying the floor above them. “Strong and smart.”
“Agreed.” He took a sip of the tea, relishing in the soothing warmth.
Between her ministrations and the light painkillers she made him swallow, his arm was blessedly numb. “But she’s also kind-hearted. That makes her vulnerable.”
Pegasus nodded slowly. “You’re right. But she’s not alone. We’ve got her back. And we’ll make sure she stays safe.”
Bridger leaned back against the couch, the exhaustion of the day finally catching up to him. “Thank you, Pegs.”
“Oh you’ll owe me, North. Not to worry.” She settled into a nearby armchair, her eyes trained on the door. “Now get some sleep. I’ll keep watch.”
Bridger nodded, feeling the comforting presence of his mentor nearby as he drifted off to sleep. Before she left the service, he’d trusted Pegs with his life more times than he could count.
Someday, he’d figure out a way to pay her back.