Page 16 of False Sins

The leader seemed to consider it. Bridger tensed, ready to throw himself in front of Jane.

After a long, tense moment, the leader lowered his weapon. “You win this round,” he bit out.

Bridger let out a slow breath as the suits released Jane and retreated to their vehicle. He met Tai’s eyes in silent communication.

They had won the battle. But the war was just beginning. Time to go.

The black SUV peeled out of the parking lot, gravel spewing behind its tires. His heart was still pounding with adrenaline, but he forced his voice to stay calm as he turned to Jane.

“You okay?”

She nodded shakily, swaying on her feet. “Yeah. Thanks to you two.”

Tai clapped a heavy hand on Bridger’s shoulder. “Just another day at the office for our fearless leader here.”

Bridger shot him a wry look, then he nodded at Jane. “Let’s get those off her and get out of here before they decide to come back.”

He ushered Jane toward the Jeep, senses alert for any sign of the agents returning. As he moved, a bolt of pain shot through his upper arm. He glanced down to see a growing circle of red on his sleeve.


Tai’s gaze sharpened. “You hit?”

“Apparently.” Adrenaline was clearly still coursing through his system, muting the pain. “I’m fine.”

Until he wasn’t. Another step and his legs buckled. He grunted hard, forcing his knees to lock so he wouldn’t hit the pavement.

“Maybe not.” Tai’s voice echoed through his head.

Yeah. No. Maybe not.


Jane whirled on Tai.“He’s hurt! Do something.”

But Bridger’s right-hand man already had an arm under his shoulders, moving him toward the Jeep.

“He’s good,” Tai assured her.

But she saw the blood, and Bridger’s pale face.

“Get me to the vehicle,” Bridger ordered his friend. “We need to disappear, ASAP.”

Ignoring Jane, Tai guided him toward the Jeep. “Roger that.”

Hands still cuffed behind her, shoulders screaming, Jane barreled after them. “We need to get him to a hospital.”

At the Jeep now, Tai perched Bridger against the side while he opened the driver’s side door. “You good?”

Face pale, Bridger nodded. “Superb.”

Tai snorted. “Not sure you should be driving, dude.”

“Not sure we have a choice,” he bantered back. Beneath the teasing tone, pain lurked.

Hampered by the cuffs, she tried to wiggle her way between them. “Are you serious? He can’t drive.”

Her foot caught on Tai’s boot, sending her stumbling against Bridger. He hissed in pain.