“It’ll do for now,” Bridger told her. “Let’s get the kid. We’ll work out the long term deets later. We know a whole slew of excellent lawyers. They can seal the deal once you and Kellen are safe.”
By then, Sanderson would either be in prison, or on the run for life. Either way, the man would be in no position to fight her.
Jane nodded reluctantly. “Okay,” she said. “Let’s take the deal. Let him go.” But then she held up a hand. “Wait. What about the money he planted in that account? The FBI’s never going to let me off if we don’t return it.”
Mason looked pleased. “Yeah. About that.”
Bridger grinned back. “You didn’t.”
“Negative, Sailor.” Mason feigned horror. “I’m good with a computer, but not that good. Paige handled it.”
Bridger squeezed Jane’s hand. “No worries. We got this.”
Kate waved at them through the windshield, motioning that she was ready to wind up the motor. He pulled Jane back into the barn. “They’re getting ready for takeoff.”
“I can’t believe Pete would give us access to the money,” she said.
He was going to explain, but Kate activated the helo’s rotors. The wash of sound made conversation impossible. He squeezed her hand again, drawing a tiny smile.
As Bridger and Jane watched from the corner of the barn, Mason helped Fenn and Tai hustle Sanderson into the refueled helo. White shirt stained with drops of blood, the man threw Jane a furious look before climbing inside. A muscle jumped in Bridger’s cheek, but he forced himself to remain calm.
The man would get what was coming to him.
Mason backed away and Tai gave them a thumb’s up before sliding the cargo door shut.
Kate, Fenn, and Tai would drop Jane’s ex off wherever he wanted. Before they let him exit the aircraft, though, he’d give them Kellen’s location.Whether he wanted to or not.
Arms crossed, he stood next to Jane, watching as the helo struggled skyward.
The anguish marring Jane’s pretty face made him want to sock the guy in the face one last time. Instead, he turned to his Savior, lifting a prayer for the boy’s safety, and Jane’s happiness.
Once the thwack of the rotor blades faded, Jane turned to him, her expression troubled. “He’s going to go after the money.”
“I fully expect him to,” Bridger agreed. “We agreed to let your ex run,” he explained. “We never agreed to let him take the money.”
Jane scrunched up her nose, her gaze on the retreating helo. “But then why––”
“We knew he couldn’t resist checking the balance,” Paige explained as she joined them. “That’s why we let him keep his phone. The second he accessed the account I had a way in.”
Mason strolled up. “Money’s safe in my account, ready to hand over to the authorities. Once we figure out who’s clean,” he added.
“No doubt.” Bridger muttered. That could be easier said than done.
A problem for another time.
Jane ran her fingers through her hair and scowled down at the ground. “What next? What if he won’t tell them where he’s got Kellen stashed?”
He was about to answer when his phone buzzed. He held up a finger and checked the screen.
Mason’s thick eyebrows rose. “The kids got to work fast,” he said.
Paige checked her watch and whistled. “Three minutes. Gotta be a record.”
Jane fisted her hands on her hips. “What are you all talking about?”
Mason fished a spent syringe from the chest pocket of his flannel and held it up. “Best cocktail the CIA has. I gave him a little poke on his way into the helo.”