Page 30 of False Sins

“Only to someone who knows what to look for.” Pegs gave her a knowing smile. “He’s special. There won’t be a better man, I promise you that. Not that he won’t make you crazy at times––the good ones always do.”

The woman knew Bridger far better than she did. And Jane doubted she’d plant a seed of hope if she didn’t perceive one. Bridger must have some feelings for her, too.

Maybe there was a chance for something real between them after all this mess.

Pegs gave her arm a reassuring squeeze before turning her attention back to cooking.

Bridger descended the stairs and moved into the living area, his blue eyes meeting Jane’s once more as he crossed the room. The air between them crackled with electricity.

Jane found herself holding her breath in anticipation. She knew she had to tread carefully. Bridger was a man with many secrets and a world of pain hidden behind his guarded exterior. But she couldn’t deny the pull she felt toward him, the sense that they were two lost souls who might find solace in each other’s arms.

“The team should be landing at Rosalind any minute,” he called over his shoulder. “Time to fire up the laptop.”

He entered the kitchen, laptop in hand and a towel draped around his neck, damp hair framing his handsome face. The room suddenly felt warmer as Jane caught sight of him, her heart skipping a beat.

His blue eyes sparkled with curiosity. A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. “Talking about me?”

Pegs snorted. “You might want to stow the ego there sailor.”

“I can’t help it if I’m the topic of conversation,” Bridger retorted, grinning as he set the laptop on the kitchen counter.

As soon as he opened the computer, his focus shifted. Jane could literally feel the intensity ramping up.

“Alright, here we go. The team’ll be live any minute,” Bridger announced, the anticipation evident in his voice. He glanced at Jane, his gaze softening for a moment. “Ready?”

Jane nodded, swallowing hard, and took a seat on the stool next to him. Pegs worked quietly in the background, flicking glances over her shoulder at the blank screen.

Jane closed her eyes, lifting a prayer for Jason’s safety, and the safety of Bridger’s teammates.

Please, Lord, help us find Jason.


Bridger was just startingto get antsy when the video feed came on in a blast of static.

“We’re wheels down. Let’s get this party started.” Fenn’s way too handsome face filled the screen as the man leaned close to the camera lens of Kate’s body cam.

The pretty pilot’s groan was audible. “Stow it, Scarborough.”

Fenn flashed one last grin, waggling his perfect eyebrows, before disappearing from view. “Aye-aye. Still, it’s a shame to let all this eye candy go to waste. Just saying.”

“How about don’t?” Kate added a last dig.

Bridger leaned against the kitchen counter, his eyes fixed on the screen. His mouth quirked up in a grin. Typical Fenn. Always playing to an audience, even if it was just a camera lens.

Jane shifted next to him, her arm brushing his. Bridger tensed, acutely aware of her proximity. He snuck a glance at her profile, taking in the curve of her cheek and the wisps of hair curling against her neck.

Get it together, North. Now’s not the time.

On screen, Kate panned across the abandoned airfield. Bridger focused on the scene, pushing aside his distraction. Man, it was hard to watch the team from the sidelines. He flexed his arm, instantly wincing. Yeah. Maybe not. His wound wasn’t a big deal, but until it healed, he’d be operating at less than a hundred percent. That could make him a liability.

His team deserved better.

“Good sight lines,” Pegasus noted.

He grunted. “Copy that.”

The fleet of drones Tai set up for the onsite team would detect a field mouse at fifty yards, but still, he liked knowing no one would be sneaking up on them. Except for a dagger-like column of granite that thrust itself skyward from the desert floor, the surrounding area was pancake flat all the way to the horizon. Just sand and scrub brush.