Page 19 of False Sins

Jane suppressed a shiver, the implications sinking in.

They hurried on, the town receding into the distance. The farther they got, the more her nerves settled. Despite his injury, Bridger exuded calm and confidence beside her. For now, that was enough.

Attuned to the few cars around, she leaned back in her seat, letting the tension ease from her shoulders. For the first time since those men had cornered her at the hardware store, she felt like she could breathe.

The road glimmered ahead of them, a dark line cutting through the southern desert. Here, cocooned in the Jeep with Bridger’s capable presence beside her, the panic receded. In its place came a feeling she hadn’t experienced in a long time. Hope.

She sent up a silent prayer.Lord, guide us and keep us safe on this journey. Help us find the truth and bring Kellen home. Send your angels to protect us.

Her Savior’s blessed energy settled around her, calming her heart. Her mind.

For the first time since those men walked into the store, she could think straight again.

Which brought up a question.

“How did you know to come to the hardware store?” she asked him. “Your timing was too perfect.”

Bridger’s jaw tightened almost imperceptibly. He was silent for a beat too long.

“We were in the area,” he finally said.

Uh no.

“Bridger,” she prodded gently. “Tell me the truth.”

He let out a long breath, his shoulders sinking slightly. “We’ve been keeping an eye on you since I saw you at the bank this morning.”


Bridger kept his eyes on the road. “I had a feeling you might need help. Call it a hunch.”

Jane let out a small laugh, shaking her head in wonderment.

“Well, I’ll be,” she said. “The Lord works in mysterious ways, doesn’t He?”

Bridger glanced over at her, one corner of his mouth quirking up. “Something like that.”

Jane smiled back, then looked thoughtful. “So where exactly are we headed?”

“We need to lay low until we can figure out our next move.”

He checked the rearview mirror. “I know someone who can help. Ex-military. Owes me a favor or ten.”

Jane opened her mouth to protest, but Bridger held up a hand.

“I know you’ve got questions, but you’re just going to have to trust me for now,” he said firmly. “I promise I’ll explain everything soon. But for the time being, you’re going to have to get used to some surprises.”

She pressed her lips together. She wasn’t thrilled about being kept in the dark. But the feeling of Bridger’s hand covering hers returned to her, along with the sense of strength it had given her.

She gripped the wheel hard. No way she was taking no for an answer on this next point. “One condition.”

He raised one dark eyebrow. “This isn’t a negotiation.”

“Yeah, it is.”

He sighed, the sound so full of pain and tiredness she knew she couldn’t back down. “This guy who owes you, will he get you medical help?”

“That’s affirmative. Don’t worry on that score.”