Page 64 of Fragile Designs

The picture they made together seized her heart, and she pushed away the longing.

He led the way up the stairs. Elizabeth Durham was expecting them. Lucas had called and said he thought she might be able to help him with an investigation. He’d told Carly the woman sounded strong and alert on the phone. And very curious.

The door opened before they reached it, and a woman in the doorway looked so much like Carly that it took her breath away. The woman was clearly too young to be Elizabeth. Her scowl morphed into a dropped jaw the moment Carly stepped into view. The woman closed her mouth with a snap and took a step back. Carly’s knees buckled, and she had to hang on to the railing to keep from falling.

“Detective Lucas Bennett.” Lucas showed her his ID. “We’re here to see your grandmother.”

“Sh-she’s expecting you.” The woman backed away and didn’t ask how they knew she was a granddaughter.

Lucas darted a glance at Carly and she saw the question in his eyes. She swallowed and managed a smile. “Thank you. I’m Carly Harris. What’s your name?”

“Lainey. Lainey Durham Saunders.” She shut the door behind them. “Nanna is looking forward to hearing what this is all about.” She pressed her lips together. “So am I, and I’m not too happy you showed up here without explaining why you’re here.” Her eyes went to Carly and skittered away to land on Noah. Her dark eyes softened. “This way.”

They followed her through a large entry with marble floors and a high ceiling with ornate crown molding into a parlor with walls covered in period wallpaper and furnished with historic velvet furniture. The wide painted trim was in perfect condition. The room looked too pristine to use, but the woman in the chair rose and smiled at them. Carly gasped, and it was all she could do not to gawk. Even Elizabeth’s clothing, a flowing skirt and ruffled blouse, was similar to something Gram would wear.

They didn’t need to ask if she might be Gram’s sister. It wasclear from the resemblances. And for the first time Carly realized if the surprise was in the custody of another person, the money would need to be split. If they were even willing to give up the surprise. For all she knew, it was a treasured memento.

Elizabeth glanced from Carly to Lainey, and she reached out to steady herself with a hand on the armchair. “I do believe I can see with my own eyes why you are here. Who are you?” The question was directed at Carly.

Carly sat on the sofa and held out her arms for Noah. The baby would steady her, and she snuggled the warmth of his small body for comfort. “I-I know this is going to be a shock.”

“You’re my granddaughter?” Elizabeth whispered.

Carly shook her head and wondered who Elizabeth thought had strayed into a secret relationship. “I believe you are my grandmother’s twin sister.”

Elizabeth settled back into her chair and held out her hand for Lainey, who rushed to her side. “I don’t have a sister.” She gave a shaky exhale. “That’s a stupid remark, isn’t it? When it’s clear you are related. How do I have a sister?”

“Twin girls were delivered to an orphanage here in Savannah. They were each adopted by different families. My grandmother, Mary Tucker, didn’t even know she was adopted, and I found the documents in the attic a few weeks ago. We’ve been looking for you ever since.”

“Mary. Such a lovely name, and it goes well with mine.” Elizabeth’s hand shook as she brushed a stray lock of white hair out of her eyes. “I knew I was adopted, but I had no idea I had a sister. Atwin, for heaven’s sake! I want to meet her. Does she know you’re here?”

Carly shook her head again. “I didn’t want her to bedisappointed until we knew for sure. I don’t think there’s any doubt.” She let her gaze linger on her cousin’s face. “I’m thirty and widowed. This is my baby, Noah.”

“He’s darling,” Lainey said, her voice trembling. “Can I hold him? I’m married, but my husband and I don’t have children.”

“Of course.”

Carly let Lainey take Noah. She watched him stare at her, then nestle against her chest. What would a baby think? She and Lainey likely smelled different, so he could probably tell them apart.

She wanted to get up and hug the older woman. What a wonderful thing to have found her. “I’d love for you to meet Gram. We live in Beaufort. When would you like for me to arrange a meeting?”

Elizabeth stared at her granddaughter with a plea in her eyes. “Would it be too shocking for us to come now? Or could you fetch Mary and bring her here?”

“Gram is cooking dinner right now, and there is always enough food for an army. I’ll give you the address and you can join us for dinner. She always wanted a sibling.”

Elizabeth wiped tears from her cheeks. “So did I.”

And just like that, the lost was found. Carly couldn’t wait to see Gram’s expression when Elizabeth walked in the door.


Lucas shot a glance at Carly as they pulled back into Beaufort. Flowers waved in a cheerful display of color along the sidewalks, and everything seemed brighter and happier. Carly had worn a smile all the way back from Savannah. “How are you going to tell Mary?”

She turned bemused brown eyes his way. “I was just thinking about that. I thought about letting it be a surprise, but that might be too shocking with her age. If I’d had it to do over again, I would have let Elizabeth know more information before we just showed up. The resemblance between Lainey and me was uncanny.”

He wanted to say he could tell them apart easily because of the gentle light in Carly’s eyes and her caregiving manner, but he kept that to himself. The distance between them needed to remain.

Several police cars, lights flashing and sirens blaring, zipped by going toward the river. “What’s going on?” He turned up his radio to see what had caused the commotion and listened to the dispatcher. “There’s a robbery attempt ongoing at the bank!”