Page 96 of Go Find Less

I don’t have social media anymore, because it was becoming too difficult to navigate with the harassment. I also don’t speak to anyone who has contact with the Davis’ anymore. After seeing very clearly how you both felt about my bringing Chase to your party, I think it was clear whose side you picked.

I click send before I can overthink it, just as Dylan pops his head in my door. “I’m actually heading out this time, I’ll see you at fam dinner in a few weeks?” I tilt my head. Dylan, at fam dinner? “Carla invited me. I hope that’s ok.”

“Oh,” I stutter, shaking my head. Fam dinner was a sort of tradition we’d had since Mickey’s funeral - a way of getting all of us who’d been through the trenches together in one room, to see each other - to support each other. Carla and Vic occasionally brought people they were dating - but only if it was serious. “Sure, of course. The more the merrier. Just be prepared for the eight zillion questions Mom will have for you once she finds out you and Carla are together.” He shrugs, but his smile is bright, like he doesn’t care as long as they’re there together. Bleh.

“I’ll take what I can get. Talk to you later?” I nod, waving him off as Bex tries to follow him out the door, but he shuts it behind him. My phone buzzes, and I feel my heart lurch when I see the screen.


I never had contact with Mickey’s family. That was Ken. And yes, we had a type of feeling seeing you move on, but we don’t blame you at all. My mom died, and my dad moved on. I get how that feels. But we never judged you for it. And I applaud you for putting yourself first. We all need to do that.

And picking sides? Would you like to elaborate on that?

Whoa. Lots to unpack. First of all, lie. I’d seen the mutual friendship myself, blue and white in shiny pixels on Alex’s phone screen. Secondly, “a certain way?” There was a whole lot of pandering going on and not a lot of owning up to the shit they actually did.


It felt like I’d spent months trying to keep me and Mickey afloat, and then to see either of you even give them the time of day made me sick. And I was dating Chase. It wasn’t like he was some rando.


Ken said he wasn’t ready to meet Chase yet…is that an issue? I remember this conversation.

You can’t blame Ken for talking to Mickey’s family. That was his best friend. Sit in your seat sis.

I snort. Actually snort out loud reading that last one. Best friend?Really? But the texts keep rolling in.


That was Mickey’s parents that just lost their son, they deserve the time of day. Become a parent and see how it is.

Think about that for a second. Ken and I have never done anything wrong to you. Relax.

I was just checking on you, but nevermind.

Angry tears start streaming down my face as I stare at my screen.

Become a parent and see how it is? The words hit me like a punch to the gut. Bex, as if sensing my discomfort, snuggles into my side as I use shaky hands to write a long response. Probably too long, but I can’t stop my fingers from moving.


Ok. It took you this long to realize I’d removed you from my life. You don’t get to come in and berate me. I don’t have kids because my husband died from cancer. I never said his family didn’t go through something. I said I spent months keeping us afloat because I did. They abandoned their precious son and you two saw every day of that, down to that horrible funeral. So don’t get on your high horse and try to tell me I’m on the wrong side here. I’m working on trying to put the pieces back together that they broke. I wish you all nothing but the best but I’m not going to get dragged into this again.

I wait until the word “delivered” shows underneath my message, and then I go into the contact and hit block.

I don’t realize sobs are wracking my body until I’m throwing my phone across my bed and burying my face in one of my throw pillows, letting out a long, muffled scream.

Fuck her. Fuck her and fuck the Davis’ and fuck every single person who stood by and watched it and then claimed that I was the one overreacting.

I gave up my entire life to take care of a man who cheated on me, lied to me, I married a man I knew had been unfaithful because I fucking loved him so much. And his family knew all of that - and still chose the woman who was, to all of our knowledge at the time, lying about having his child.

They chose a pretty dream over a sad reality and left me to deal with the consequences.

I hear Carla knock on my door, but when she asks if I’m ok, I just call a quick “yeah,” and bury my head again, holding Bex close. I let the sobs run through me until I’m only hiccuping, and across the bed, I feel my phone vibrate. I look at my watch - and see that Fitz is calling.

I answer on the third ring with a garbled “Hello?”

“Hey.” His voice is soft - too soft - and it makes another sob come out. “Have you been crying? Piper, what’s going on?” I sniffle, wiping at my face and trying to pull myself together.