Page 81 of Go Find Less

He fucking called me agood girland if I was still wearing my panties, they’d have dropped.

I’ve never been one to come from penetration alone, but the feeling of his long fingers inside of me is enough to make my insides clench. I know myself well enough, though, that I reach out toward the side table where I’d thrown my purse, snapping it open.

“Hey, I said don’t get ahead of yourself,” he says against my ear when he sees the flash of foil from a condom wrapper as the purse tips over. I roll my eyes, my hands digging until I find what I’m looking for. Triumphant, I pull the small, black velvet bag out and hand it to him, just as a particularly strong wave of pleasure hits me and I arch against him. “What’s this?”

“A friend,” I answer, a little more coyly than I mean to, but he takes the hint and pulls his hand back. Immediately, I feel cold and empty, and regret all of my life choices leading up to that moment. But the look of shock on his face when he pulls the purple bullet out of the bag, one hand still slightly damp with the wetness he was causing, is worth that feeling.

“Fuck yeah.” His exclamation makes me bark out a laugh, and I run one hand down my face, rings grazing the tip of my nose.

“Do you want to use it?” I ask him, and feel the flush of embarrassment sliding up my cheeks. He nods, turning it over in the hand that was inside me moments ago.

Suddenly, he pushes himself up and leans against the headboard next to me, bringing me toward him with one hand under each of my arms. “Jesus Christ, Fitz.” He laughs, pulling me tight against his chest, right between his legs, pushing my hair to one shoulder, leaning into the other.

“I want you to show me how you use it,” he says into my ear, and the shiver that runs down my body is completely involuntary as he holds the vibrator out in front of me. I take it, and he pulls my legs over each of his until I’m leaning back against him, totally spread out. His lips find that soft spot behind my ear that he whispered over earlier, and I melt into him.

Making myself come in front of someone else isn’t particularly new to me. It’s something most men enjoy, and honestly, when they don’t know what the fuck they’re doing, it’s nice to get off before my entire lower half goes numb from friction burn. But this feels different. Tight against Fitz’s chest, he can feel every movement, every twitch of my body, and I can feel the way he’s reacting when I hold the vibrator in front of me. I’m about to bring it down between my legs when his hand stops me.

“Wait.” His fingers on my wrist direct my hand upwards, and when the vibrator is right in front of his face, he leans forward, taking it into his mouth and wetting it. I feel my breath hitch when it leaves his mouth with a “pop.” “There.” And then he leans down, capturing my mouth with his and pushing my hand back down toward my soaking center.

The second I feel the vibrations against my skin, I buck up, already sensitive from all the heavy petting. When I reach my clit, I moan against Fitz. One of his hands holds the side of my face, the other weaving around my front and toying with one of my nipples.

He alternates between letting our tongues tangle and looking down over my heaving chest, kissing my neck as he watches how I move the vibrator against myself, until his hand reaches down and wraps over my own. I let him take it from me, and when he pushes it down against my clit, I writhe, laughing. “Not that hard,” I half-whisper, my head falling back over his shoulder as he finds the right pressure, circling with the tip until I’m trembling against him. My hand finds the back of his neck, and when I look at him again through my near-orgasm fog, he’s got that same look of admiration, if not a little determination, on his face.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, Piper,” he says into my ear, “and I want to feel this gorgeous body of yours come undone against me.”

I feel my orgasm crest a few shaking moments later, and I pull his head toward me until I can crash my mouth into his, burying my near-feral scream against him. But he pulls back, mid-kiss.

“Don’t stifle yourself.” I let out a guttural moan as wave after wave hits me, gripping at his neck and one of his thighs hard enough that it’ll probably bruise, but he doesn’t even blink as I writhe against him, completely aware that just behind my ass is his cock, long-since hard and begging to be set free. When I finally come down from the last jolt of pleasure, Fitz clicks the vibrator off.

It’s been a long time since I came that hard from anything other than my own conviction and a steamy eBook.

I sigh, feeling like jelly and painfully aware of the layer of sweat between us. When I sit up slightly, it makes a sound, and I wince.

“You ok?” he asks, and I laugh, running a hand through my hair, mostly out of nervous habit at this point, shaking my head.

“Ok is one word for it.” Fitz smiles, leaning down to kiss me again before crawling out from behind me. I sit back against the headboard, watching him stand to set the vibrator on the side table, still close enough to reach, and walk into what looks like a bathroom, water running for a few moments, before coming back with a box that he sets next to my new favorite toy.

“Is that brand ok?” he asks casually, like he hadn’t just set a jumbo box of condoms on the table. I nod, trying to hide my smile as he leans back against the dresser, crossing his arms over his bare chest, seeming to enjoy the view of me naked against his headboard as much as I’m enjoying the view of his lean muscle and the clearly pitched tent he’s sporting. “I liked feeling you come against me.”

“The next one you can feel around your cock.” I match his casual tone, shrugging, and he quirks an eyebrow. “Or not, I mean -

He shuts me up by putting his thumbs over his waistband and pulling his boxers down to his ankle in one fluid movement, and the painful looking way he’s standing to attention makes my mouth dry.

“I got tested last week,” he says, still casually. “All clear.” I nod. I know he’s been with at least one other person recently - or at least, I can assume, based on the way his not-business-meeting had been adjusting herself that day at the Pine. But Fitz has been honest with me - painfully honest - from day one, so to believe he would lie about something like this, something so serious, would be hard. We hadn’t exactly had the “are we exclusive” discussion yet - just hours after our first actual date, despite weeks of talking. Modern problems for a modern situationship. Relationship? Gah.

“They ran a full panel when I was in the hospital.” He winces, almost imperceptibly, but I still catch it. “I’m good.” I pause. “And I have an IUD, for the record. But…”

“Better to be safe.” He smiles, and with one hand, he gives himself a lazy stroke, gripping the edge of the dresser with white knuckles. “You have no idea how long I’ve been thinking about this, Piper,” Fitz says, nostrils flaring slightly. I swallow.

“How long?” It can’t be that long, surely.

“Truth?” I nod as he echoes my question from before. “Since that day in Calhoun’s class. The way you stood up for yourself…” He closes his eyes, like he’s picturing us that day, more than a decade ago, and when he opens them again, the smile that crosses his face is feline. “And now you’re mine.”

Chapter 31


Mine.The word bounces around in my head, in the room, like a caged bird set free.